123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182 |
- @using WeApp
- @using WeApp.Authorization
- @using WeApp.Configuration
- @using WeApp.Views.Shared.Modals
- @using WeApp.Views.Shared.Table
- @{
- ViewBag.Title = L("FunctionTitle");
- string activeMenu = PermissionNames.PagesSystemMgFunctionMg; //The menu item will be active for this page.
- ViewBag.ActiveMenu = activeMenu; //The menu item will be active for this page.
- List<SelectListItem> functionType = ViewBag.FunctionType;
- //CurrentUserViewModel currentUser = ViewBag.CurrentUser;
- var table = new TableViewModel(IwbConsts.ApiAppUrl + "Functions/GetAll", activeMenu).SetFields(new List<FieldItem>()
- {
- new FieldItem("functionName", L("functionName"),align:"left"),
- new FieldItem("functionType", L("functionType"),"TypeFormatter"),
- new FieldItem("url", L("functionUrl")),
- new FieldItem("icon", L("functionIcon"),"IconFormatter"),
- new FieldItem("sort", L("functionSort")),
- new FieldItem("", L("Actions"),"ActionsFormatter"),
- }).SetPageArray(1000).SetOther(" data-row-attributes=\"RowAttributes\" ");
- }
- <style>
- .pagination-detail {
- display: none;
- }
- </style>
- @Html.Partial("Table/_Table", table)
- @section modal {
- @{
- var inputs = new List<Input>()
- {
- new InputHide("id"),
- new InputHide("depth"),
- new InputHide("permissionName"),
- new InputHide("functionPath"),
- new Input("parentNo", L("functionParent"), InputTypes.List),
- new Input("functionNo", L("functionNo")),
- new Input("functionName", L("functionName")),
- new InputNumber("sort", L("functionSort")).SetRange(0,1000),
- new Input("icon", L("functionIcon")).SetNotRequired(),
- };
- if (AbpSession.UserType == UsersAndRolesTypeDefinition.Supper)
- {
- inputs.AddRange(new List<Input>
- {
- new Input("functionType", L("functionType")).SetSelectOptions((List<SelectListItem>) ViewBag.FunctionType),
- new Input("controller", L("functionController")).SetNotRequired(),
- new Input("action", L("functionAction")).SetNotRequired(),
- new Input("url", L("functionUrl")).SetNotRequired(),
- new Input("class", L("functionClass")).SetNotRequired(),
- new Input("script", L("functionScript")).SetNotRequired(),
- });
- }
- var modal = new ModalViewModel(L("function"), new ModalBodyViewModel(inputs));
- @Html.Partial("Modals/_Modal", modal)
- }
- }
- @section scripts
- {
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var $table = $("#table");
- var actions = [], funs = [];
- $(function () {
- funs = LoadTreeTable({
- idField: 'functionNo',
- treeShowField: 'functionName',
- parentIdField: 'parentNo',
- customDataField: ['functionPath']
- }) ||
- { none: function() { console.log("No type"); } };
- var btnCreate = funs['btnCreate'];
- funs['btnCreate']= function(url,id) {
- console.log("Add", id);
- var row;
- if (typeof id === "string" && id !== "") {
- row = $table.bootstrapTable("getRowByUniqueId", id);
- }
- if (row) {
- $.iwbAjax4({
- url: "/api/services/app/Functions/GetSelectStr",
- success: function (res) {
- $("#parentNo").empty().html(res);
- btnCreate(url,id);
- //BtnCreate({
- // data: { parentNo: row.functionNo, depth: row.depth + 1, functionPath: row.functionPath },
- // url: url,
- // disabled: "parentNo"
- //});
- }
- });
- } else {
- abp.message.warn(abp.localization.iwbZero('SelectRecordOperation'));
- }
- }
- var btnUpdate = funs['btnUpdate'];
- funs['btnUpdate']= function(url,id) {
- console.log("Edit", id);
- var row;
- if (typeof id === "string" && id !== "") {
- row = $table.bootstrapTable("getRowByUniqueId", id);
- }
- if (row) {
- $.iwbAjax4({
- url: "/api/services/app/Functions/GetSelectStr",
- success: function (res) {
- $("#parentNo").empty().html(res);
- btnUpdate(url,id);
- //BtnUpdate({
- // url: url,
- // disabled: "parentNo,functionNo"
- //});
- }
- });
- } else {
- abp.message.warn(abp.localization.iwbZero('SelectRecordOperation'));
- }
- }
- });
- //自定义属性
- function RowAttributes(r) {
- return {
- "data-no": r.functionNo,
- "data-parent": r.parentNo
- };
- }
- </script>
- <script>
- function FunctionCall(type, url, id, that) {
- funs[type] ? funs[type].call(this, url, id, that) : funs["none"].call(this);
- }
- </script>
- <script>
- //格式化图标
- function IconFormatter(v) {
- if (v !== "") {
- return '<span class=" ' + v + '"></span>';
- }
- return v;
- }
- //操作按钮
- function ActionsFormatter(v, r) {
- var str = '<div class="btn-tool">';
- for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
- //str += '<span class="table-action" onclick="funs[' + actions[i]["type"] + '](\'' + actions[i]["url"] + '\',\'' + r.id + '\',this)"><i class="' + actions[i]["icon"] + '"></i>' + actions[i]["name"] + ' </span>';
- str += '<span class="table-action" onclick="FunctionCall(\'' + actions[i]["type"] + '\',\'' + actions[i]["url"] + '\',\'' + r.id + '\',this)"><i class="' + actions[i]["icon"] + '"></i>' + actions[i]["name"] + ' </span>';
- }
- str += '</div>';
- return str;
- }
- // 格式化类型
- function TypeFormatter(v) {
- var functionTypeName = $('#hid-functionType option[value="' + v + '"]').text();
- switch (v) {
- case 9:
- return '<span class="label label-warning">' + functionTypeName + '</span>';
- case 1:
- return '<span class="label label-danger">' + functionTypeName + '</span>';
- case 2:
- return '<span class="label label-info">' + functionTypeName + '</span>';
- case 3:
- return '<span class="label label-success">' + functionTypeName + '</span>';
- default:
- return v;
- }
- }
- </script>
- }
- <section style="display:none">
- @Html.DropDownList("hid-functionType", functionType)
- </section>