Add Action called against the IConfigurationProvider before it gets sealed
Add an action to be called when validating the configuration.
the validation callback
How many levels deep should AutoMapper try to inline the execution plan for child classes.
See the wiki for details.
Contains profile-specific configuration
Source extension methods included for search
Specify which properties should be mapped.
By default only public properties are mapped.e
Specify which fields should be mapped.
By default only public fields are mapped.
Contains member configuration relating to source members
if targetType is oldType, method will return newType
if targetType is not oldType, method will return targetType
if targetType is generic type with oldType arguments, method will replace all oldType arguments on newType
Get all configured type maps created
All configured type maps
Find the for the configured source and destination type
Configured source type
Configured destination type
Type map configuration
Find the for the configured type pair
Type pair
Type map configuration
Find the for the configured source and destination type
Source type
Destination type
Type map configuration
Resolve the for the configured source and destination type, checking parent types
Configured source type
Configured destination type
Type map configuration
Resolve the for the configured source and destination type, checking parent types
Configured source type
Configured destination type
Inline type map configuration if exists
Type map configuration
Resolve the for the configured type pair, checking parent types
Type pair
Inline type map configuration if exists
Type map configuration
Resolve the for the configured type pair, checking parent types
Type pair
Type map configuration
Dry run all configured type maps and throw for each problem
Dry run single type map
Type map to check
Dry run all type maps in given profile
Profile name of type maps to test
Dry run all type maps in given profile
Profile type
Get all configured mappers
List of mappers
Find a matching object mapper.
the types to match
the matching mapper or null
Factory method to create formatters, resolvers and type converters
Allows to enable null-value propagation for query mapping.
Some providers (such as EntityFrameworkQueryVisitor) do not work with this feature enabled!
Create a mapper instance based on this configuration. Mapper instances are lightweight and can be created as needed.
The mapper instance
Create a mapper instance with the specified service constructor to be used for resolvers and type converters.
Service factory to create services
The mapper instance
Compile all underlying mapping expressions to cached delegates.
Use if you want AutoMapper to compile all mappings up front instead of deferring expression compilation for each first map.
Builds the execution plan used to map the source to destination.
Useful to understand what exactly is happening during mapping.
See the wiki for details.
the runtime type of the source object
the runtime type of the destination object
the execution plan
Builds the execution plan used to map the source to destination.
Useful to understand what exactly is happening during mapping.
See the wiki for details.
The source/destination map request
the execution plan
Map constructor parameter from member expression
Member type
Member expression
Map constructor parameter from custom func
Custom func
Map constructor parameter from custom func that has access to
Custom func
Ignore this member for validation and skip during mapping
Execute a mapping from the source object to a new destination object.
The source type is inferred from the source object.
Destination type to create
Source object to map from
Mapped destination object
Execute a mapping from the source object to a new destination object with supplied mapping options.
Destination type to create
Source object to map from
Mapping options
Mapped destination object
Execute a mapping from the source object to a new destination object.
Source type to use, regardless of the runtime type
Destination type to create
Source object to map from
Mapped destination object
Execute a mapping from the source object to a new destination object with supplied mapping options.
Source type to use
Destination type to create
Source object to map from
Mapping options
Mapped destination object
Execute a mapping from the source object to the existing destination object.
Source type to use
Destination type
Source object to map from
Destination object to map into
The mapped destination object, same instance as the object
Execute a mapping from the source object to the existing destination object with supplied mapping options.
Source type to use
Destination type
Source object to map from
Destination object to map into
Mapping options
The mapped destination object, same instance as the object
Execute a mapping from the source object to a new destination object with explicit objects
Source object to map from
Source type to use
Destination type to create
Mapped destination object
Execute a mapping from the source object to a new destination object with explicit objects and supplied mapping options.
Source object to map from
Source type to use
Destination type to create
Mapping options
Mapped destination object
Execute a mapping from the source object to existing destination object with explicit objects
Source object to map from
Destination object to map into
Source type to use
Destination type to use
Mapped destination object, same instance as the object
Execute a mapping from the source object to existing destination object with supplied mapping options and explicit objects
Source object to map from
Destination object to map into
Source type to use
Destination type to use
Mapping options
Mapped destination object, same instance as the object
Configuration provider for performing maps
Factory method for creating runtime instances of converters, resolvers etc.
Create missing type maps during mapping, if necessary
Add an existing profile
Profile to add
Add an existing profile type. Profile will be instantiated and added to the configuration.
Profile type
Add an existing profile type. Profile will be instantiated and added to the configuration.
Profile type
Add profiles contained in assemblies
Assemblies containing profiles
Add profiles contained in assemblies
Assemblies containing profiles
Add profiles contained in assemblies
Assembly names to load and scan containing profiles
Add profiles contained in assemblies
Assembly names to load and scan containing profiles
Add profiles contained in assemblies
Types from assemblies containing profiles
Add profiles contained in assemblies
Types from assemblies containing profiles
Supply a factory method callback for creating resolvers and type converters
Factory method
Create a named profile with the supplied configuration
Profile name, must be unique
Profile configuration
Object mappers
Advance Configuration
Custom mapping action
Source type
Destination type
Implementors can modify both the source and destination objects
Source object
Destination object
Mapping configuration options for non-generic maps
Preserve object identity. Useful for circular references.
Customize configuration for individual constructor parameter
Constructor parameter name
Create a type mapping from the destination to the source type, using the destination members as validation.
Replace the original runtime instance with a new source instance. Useful when ORMs return proxy types with no relationships to runtime types.
The returned source object will be mapped instead of what was supplied in the original source object.
Substitution function
New source object to map.
Construct the destination object using the service locator
For self-referential types, limit recurse depth.
Enables PreserveReferences.
Number of levels to limit to
Supply a custom instantiation expression for the destination type for LINQ projection
Callback to create the destination type given the source object
Supply a custom instantiation function for the destination type, based on the entire resolution context
Callback to create the destination type given the source object and current resolution context
Supply a custom instantiation function for the destination type
Callback to create the destination type given the source object
Skip member mapping and use a custom expression during LINQ projection
Projection expression
Customize configuration for all members
Callback for member options
Customize configuration for members not previously configured
Callback for member options
Customize configuration for an individual source member
Source member name
Callback for member configuration options
Skip normal member mapping and convert using a instantiated during mapping
Type converter type
Skip normal member mapping and convert using a instantiated during mapping
Use this method if you need to specify the converter type at runtime
Type converter type
Override the destination type mapping for looking up configuration and instantiation
Customize individual members
Name of the member
Callback for configuring member
Include this configuration in derived types' maps
Derived source type
Derived destination type
Ignores all destination properties that have either a private or protected setter, forcing the mapper to respect encapsulation (note: order matters, so place this before explicit configuration of any properties with an inaccessible setter)
When using ReverseMap, ignores all source properties that have either a private or protected setter, keeping the reverse mapping consistent with the forward mapping (note: destination properties with an inaccessible setter may still be mapped unless IgnoreAllPropertiesWithAnInaccessibleSetter is also used)
Include the base type map's configuration in this map
Base source type
Base destination type
Execute a custom function to the source and/or destination types before member mapping
Callback for the source/destination types
Execute a custom mapping action before member mapping
Mapping action type instantiated during mapping
Execute a custom function to the source and/or destination types after member mapping
Callback for the source/destination types
Execute a custom mapping action after member mapping
Mapping action type instantiated during mapping
Specify which member list to validate
Member list to validate
Mapping configuration options
Source type
Destination type
Customize configuration for a path inside the destination object.
Expression to the destination subobject
Callback for member options
Preserve object identity. Useful for circular references.
Customize configuration for members not previously configured
Callback for member options
Customize configuration for individual member
Expression to the top-level destination member. This must be a member on the TDestination type
Callback for member options
Customize configuration for individual member. Used when the name isn't known at compile-time
Destination member name
Callback for member options
Customize configuration for all members
Callback for member options
Ignores all properties that have either a private or protected setter, forcing the mapper to respect encapsulation (note: order matters, so place this before explicit configuration of any properties with an inaccessible setter)
When using ReverseMap, ignores all properties that have either a private or protected setter, keeping the reverse mapping consistent with the forward mapping (note: properties with an inaccessible setter may still be mapped unless IgnoreAllPropertiesWithAnInaccessibleSetter is also used)
Include this configuration in derived types' maps
Derived source type
Derived destination type
Include the base type map's configuration in this map
Base source type
Base destination type
Include this configuration in derived types' maps
Derived source type
Derived destination type
Skip member mapping and use a custom expression during LINQ projection
Projection expression
Skip member mapping and use a custom function to convert to the destination type
Callback to convert from source type to destination type
Skip member mapping and use a custom function to convert to the destination type
Callback to convert from source type to destination type, including destination object
Skip member mapping and use a custom function to convert to the destination type
Callback to convert from source type to destination type, with source, destination and context
Skip member mapping and use a custom type converter instance to convert to the destination type
Type converter instance
Skip member mapping and use a custom type converter instance to convert to the destination type
Type converter type
Execute a custom function to the source and/or destination types before member mapping
Callback for the source/destination types
Execute a custom function to the source and/or destination types before member mapping
Callback for the source/destination types
Execute a custom mapping action before member mapping
Mapping action type instantiated during mapping
Execute a custom function to the source and/or destination types after member mapping
Callback for the source/destination types
Execute a custom function to the source and/or destination types after member mapping
Callback for the source/destination types
Execute a custom mapping action after member mapping
Mapping action type instantiated during mapping
Supply a custom instantiation function for the destination type
Callback to create the destination type given the source object
Supply a custom instantiation expression for the destination type for LINQ projection
Callback to create the destination type given the source object
Supply a custom instantiation function for the destination type, based on the entire resolution context
Callback to create the destination type given the current resolution context
Override the destination type mapping for looking up configuration and instantiation
Destination type to use
For self-referential types, limit recurse depth.
Enables PreserveReferences.
Number of levels to limit to
Construct the destination object using the service locator
Create a type mapping from the destination to the source type, using the members as validation
Customize configuration for an individual source member
Expression to source member. Must be a member of the type
Callback for member configuration options
Customize configuration for an individual source member. Member name not known until runtime
Expression to source member. Must be a member of the type
Callback for member configuration options
Replace the original runtime instance with a new source instance. Useful when ORMs return proxy types with no relationships to runtime types.
The returned source object will be mapped instead of what was supplied in the original source object.
Substitution function
New source object to map.
Customize configuration for individual constructor parameter
Constructor parameter name
Disable constructor validation. During mapping this map is used against an existing destination object and never constructed itself.
Apply a transformation function after any resolved destination member value with the given type
Value type to match and transform
Transformation expression
Specify which member list to validate
Member list to validate
Options for a single map operation
Construct services using this callback. Use this for child/nested containers
Add context items to be accessed at map time inside an or
Execute a custom function to the source and/or destination types before member mapping
Callback for the source/destination types
Execute a custom function to the source and/or destination types after member mapping
Callback for the source/destination types
Execute a custom function to the source and/or destination types before member mapping
Callback for the source/destination types
Execute a custom function to the source and/or destination types after member mapping
Callback for the source/destination types
Configure inline map
Mapping configuration expression
Configure inline map with member list to validate
Member list to validate for the inline map
Mapping configuration expression
Member configuration options
Source type for this member
Type for this member
Destination type for this map
Do not precompute the execution plan for this member, just map it at runtime.
Simplifies the execution plan by not inlining.
Substitute a custom value when the source member resolves as null
Value to use
Resolve destination member using a custom value resolver
Value resolver type
Value resolver configuration options
Resolve destination member using a custom value resolver from a source member
Value resolver type
Source member to supply
Value resolver configuration options
Resolve destination member using a custom value resolver from a source member
Value resolver type
Source member to supply
Source member name
Value resolver configuration options
Resolve destination member using a custom value resolver instance
Value resolver instance to use
Resolution expression
Resolve destination member using a custom value resolver instance
Value resolver instance to use
Source member to supply to value resolver
Resolution expression
Resolve destination member using a custom value resolver callback. Used instead of MapFrom when not simply redirecting a source member
This method cannot be used in conjunction with LINQ query projection
Callback function to resolve against source type
Resolve destination member using a custom value resolver callback. Used instead of MapFrom when not simply redirecting a source member
Access both the source object and destination member for additional mapping, context items
This method cannot be used in conjunction with LINQ query projection
Callback function to resolve against source type
Resolve destination member using a custom value resolver callback. Used instead of MapFrom when not simply redirecting a source member
Access both the source object and destination member for additional mapping, context items
This method cannot be used in conjunction with LINQ query projection
Callback function to resolve against source type
Resolve destination member using a custom value resolver callback. Used instead of MapFrom when not simply redirecting a source member
Access both the source object and current resolution context for additional mapping, context items
This method cannot be used in conjunction with LINQ query projection
Callback function to resolve against source type
Specify the source member to map from. Can only reference a member on the type
This method can be used in mapping to LINQ query projections, while ResolveUsing cannot.
Any null reference exceptions in this expression will be ignored (similar to flattening behavior)
Member type of the source member to use
Expression referencing the source member to map against
Specify the source member to map from. Can only reference a member on the type
This method can be used in mapping to LINQ query projections, while ResolveUsing cannot.
Any null reference exceptions in this expression will be ignored (similar to flattening behavior)
Propertyname referencing the source member to map against
Ignore this member for configuration validation and skip during mapping
Allow this member to be null. This prevents generating a check condition for it.
Supply a custom mapping order instead of what the .NET runtime returns
Mapping order value
Use the destination value instead of mapping from the source value or creating a new instance
Use a custom value
Value type
Value to use
Conditionally map this member against the source, destination, source and destination members
Condition to evaluate using the source object
Conditionally map this member
Condition to evaluate using the source object
Conditionally map this member
Condition to evaluate using the source object
Conditionally map this member
Condition to evaluate using the source object
Conditionally map this member
Condition to evaluate using the source object
Conditionally map this member, evaluated before accessing the source value
Condition to evaluate using the source object
Conditionally map this member, evaluated before accessing the source value
Condition to evaluate using the current resolution context
Conditionally map this member, evaluated before accessing the source value
Condition to evaluate using the source object and the current resolution context
Ignore this member for LINQ projections unless explicitly expanded during projection
The destination member being configured.
Apply a transformation function after any resolved destination member value with the given type
Transformation expression
Configuration options for an individual member
Resolve destination member using a custom value resolver. Used when the value resolver is not known at compile-time
Value resolver type
Value resolver configuration options
Resolve destination member using a custom value resolver. Used when the value resolver is not known at compile-time
Value resolver type
Member to supply to value resolver
Value resolver configuration options
Resolve destination member using a custom value resolver instance
Value resolver instance to use
Source member to supply to value resolver
Resolution expression
Defines a naming convention strategy
Regular expression on how to tokenize a member
Mapping execution strategy, as a chain of responsibility
When true, the mapping engine will use this mapper as the strategy
Resolution context
Is match
Builds a mapping expression equivalent to the base Map method
Source parameter
Destination parameter
ResulotionContext parameter
Map expression
Base class for simple object mappers that don't want to use expressions.
type of the source
type of the destination
When true, the mapping engine will use this mapper as the strategy
Resolution context
Is match
Performs conversion from source to destination type
Source object
Destination object
The compile time type of the source object
The compile time type of the destination object
Resolution context
Destination object
Member configuration options
Source type for this member
Destination type for this map
Type for this member
Specify the source member to map from. Can only reference a member on the type
This method can be used in mapping to LINQ query projections, while ResolveUsing cannot.
Any null reference exceptions in this expression will be ignored (similar to flattening behavior)
Member type of the source member to use
Expression referencing the source member to map against
Ignore this member for configuration validation and skip during mapping
Configuration for profile-specific maps
Disable constructor mapping. Use this if you don't intend to have AutoMapper try to map to constructors
Creates a mapping configuration from the type to the type
Source type
Destination type
Mapping expression for more configuration options
Creates a mapping configuration from the type to the type.
Specify the member list to validate against during configuration validation.
Source type
Destination type
Member list to validate
Mapping expression for more configuration options
Create a mapping configuration from the source type to the destination type.
Use this method when the source and destination type are known at runtime and not compile time.
Source type
Destination type
Mapping expression for more configuration options
Creates a mapping configuration from the source type to the destination type.
Specify the member list to validate against during configuration validation.
Source type
Destination type
Member list to validate
Mapping expression for more configuration options
Clear the list of recognized prefixes.
Recognize a list of prefixes to be removed from source member names when matching
List of prefixes
Recognize a list of postfixes to be removed from source member names when matching
List of postfixes
Provide an alias for a member name when matching source member names
Original member name
Alias to match against
Provide a new value for a part of a members name
Original member value
New member value
Recognize a list of prefixes to be removed from destination member names when matching
List of prefixes
Recognize a list of postfixes to be removed from destination member names when matching
List of postfixes
Add a property name to globally ignore. Matches against the beginning of the property names.
Property name to match against
Allow null destination values. If false, destination objects will be created for deep object graphs. Default true.
Allow null destination collections. If true, null source collections result in null destination collections. Default false.
Allows to enable null-value propagation for query mapping.
Some providers (such as EntityFrameworkQueryVisitor) do not work with this feature enabled!
Naming convention for source members
Naming convention for destination members
Specify common configuration for all type maps.
configuration callback
Customize configuration for all members across all maps
Callback for member options. Use the property map for conditional maps.
Include extension methods against source members for matching destination members to. Default source extension methods from
Static type that contains extension methods
Value transformers. Modify the list directly or use
Validate maps created dynamically/inline on the first map. Defaults to true.
Custom resolver options
Source type
Use the specified member as the input to the resolver instead of the root object
Expression for the source member
Custom resolver options
Use the supplied member as the input to the resolver instead of the root source object
Property name to use
Custom resolver options
Source type
Use the specified member as the input to the resolver instead of the root object
Expression for the source member
Use the specified member as the input to the resolver instead of the root object
Name of the source member
Source member configuration options
Ignore this member for configuration validation and skip during mapping
Converts source type to destination type instead of normal member mapping
Source type
Destination type
Performs conversion from source to destination type
Source object
Destination object
Resolution context
Destination object
Extension point to provide custom resolution for a destination value
Implementors use source object to provide a destination object.
Source object
Destination object, if exists
Destination member
The context of the mapping
Result, typically build from the source resolution result
Extension point to provide custom resolution for a destination value
Implementors use source object to provide a destination object.
Source object
Destination object, if exists
Source member
Destination member
The context of the mapping
Result, typically build from the source resolution result
Configuration provider for performing maps
Static mapper instance. You can also create a instance directly using the instance.
Initialize static configuration instance
Configuration action
Initialize static configuration instance
Configuration action
Resets the mapper configuration. Not intended for production use, but for testing scenarios.
Execute a mapping from the source object to a new destination object.
The source type is inferred from the source object.
Destination type to create
Source object to map from
Mapped destination object
Execute a mapping from the source object to a new destination object with supplied mapping options.
Destination type to create
Source object to map from
Mapping options
Mapped destination object
Execute a mapping from the source object to a new destination object.
Source type to use, regardless of the runtime type
Destination type to create
Source object to map from
Mapped destination object
Execute a mapping from the source object to a new destination object with supplied mapping options.
Source type to use
Destination type to create
Source object to map from
Mapping options
Mapped destination object
Execute a mapping from the source object to the existing destination object.
Source type to use
Dsetination type
Source object to map from
Destination object to map into
The mapped destination object, same instance as the object
Execute a mapping from the source object to the existing destination object with supplied mapping options.
Source type to use
Destination type
Source object to map from
Destination object to map into
Mapping options
The mapped destination object, same instance as the object
Execute a mapping from the source object to a new destination object with explicit objects
Source object to map from
Source type to use
Destination type to create
Mapped destination object
Execute a mapping from the source object to a new destination object with explicit objects and supplied mapping options.
Source object to map from
Source type to use
Destination type to create
Mapping options
Mapped destination object
Execute a mapping from the source object to existing destination object with explicit objects
Source object to map from
Destination object to map into
Source type to use
Destination type to use
Mapped destination object, same instance as the object
Execute a mapping from the source object to existing destination object with supplied mapping options and explicit objects
Source object to map from
Destination object to map into
Source type to use
Destination type to use
Mapping options
Mapped destination object, same instance as the object
Dry run all configured type maps and throw for each problem
Member list to check for configuration validation
Check that all destination members are mapped
Check that all source members are mapped
Check neither source nor destination members, skipping validation
Provides a named configuration for maps. Naming conventions become scoped per profile.
Queryable extensions for AutoMapper
Maps a queryable expression of a source type to a queryable expression of a destination type
Source type
Destination type
Source queryable
Destination queryable
Mapped destination queryable
Maps a queryable expression of a source type to a queryable expression of a destination type
Source type
Destination type
Source queryable
Destination queryable
Mapped destination queryable
Extension method to project from a queryable using the provided mapping engine
Projections are only calculated once and cached
Destination type
Queryable source
Optional parameter object for parameterized mapping expressions
Explicit members to expand
Expression to project into
Extension method to project from a queryable using the provided mapping engine
Projections are only calculated once and cached
Destination type
Queryable source
Mapper configuration
Optional parameter object for parameterized mapping expressions
Explicit members to expand
Expression to project into
Extension method to project from a queryable using the provided mapping engine
Projections are only calculated once and cached
Destination type
Queryable source
Mapper configuration
Explicit members to expand
Expression to project into
Extension method to project from a queryable using the provided mapping engine
Projections are only calculated once and cached
Destination type
Queryable source
Explicit members to expand
Expression to project into
Projects the source type to the destination type given the mapping configuration
Destination type to map to
Queryable source
Optional parameter object for parameterized mapping expressions
Explicit members to expand
Queryable result, use queryable extension methods to project and execute result
Projects the source type to the destination type given the mapping configuration
Destination type to map to
Queryable source
Mapper configuration
Optional parameter object for parameterized mapping expressions
Explicit members to expand
Queryable result, use queryable extension methods to project and execute result
Continuation to execute projection
Projects the source type to the destination type given the mapping configuration
Destination type to map to
Optional parameter object for parameterized mapping expressions
Queryable result, use queryable extension methods to project and execute result
Projects the source type to the destination type given the mapping configuration
Destination type to map to
Optional parameter object for parameterized mapping expressions
Queryable result, use queryable extension methods to project and execute result
Projects the source type to the destination type given the mapping configuration
Destination type to map to
Optional parameter object for parameterized mapping expressions
Explicit members to expand
Queryable result, use queryable extension methods to project and execute result
Projects the source type to the destination type given the mapping configuration
Destination type to map to
Parameters for parameterized mapping expressions
Explicit members to expand
Queryable result, use queryable extension methods to project and execute result
Projects the source type to the destination type given the mapping configuration
Destination type to map to
>Explicit members to expand
Optional parameter object for parameterized mapping expressions
Queryable result, use queryable extension methods to project and execute result
Projects the source type to the destination type given the mapping configuration
Destination type to map to
>Explicit members to expand
Parameters for parameterized mapping expressions
Queryable result, use queryable extension methods to project and execute result
Expression visitor for making member access null-safe.
NullSafeQueryRewriter is copied from the NeinLinq project, licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Axel Heer.
if targetType is oldType, method will return newType
if targetType is not oldType, method will return targetType
if targetType is generic type with oldType arguments, method will replace all oldType arguments on newType
Context information regarding resolution of a destination value
Mapping operation options
Instance cache for resolving circular references
Instance cache for resolving keeping track of depth
Current mapper
Current configuration
Context items from
Contains cached reflection information for easy retrieval
Main configuration object holding all mapping configuration for a source and destination type
Apply a transformation function after any resolved destination member value with the given type
Value type to match and transform
Value transformer list
Transformation expression