Initializes a new instance of the class.
This constructor is protected because is only meant to be instantiated
by the property or by tests.
Gets or sets the default instance used by .
This property is a test isolation "pinch point" that allows us to test without using reflection.
Returns the platform specific Debugger writer to the VS output console.
Provides access to the platform.
Gets or sets the current implementation.
Encapsulates information describing an Application Insights component.
This class matches the "Application" schema concept. We are intentionally calling it "Component" for consistency
with terminology used by our portal and services and to encourage standardization of terminology within our
organization. Once a consensus is reached, we will change type and property names to match.
Gets or sets the application version.
Writes telemetry items to debug output.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether writing telemetry items to debug output is enabled.
Write the specified item to debug output.
Item to write.
If specified, indicates the telemetry item was filtered out and not sent to the API.
Encapsulates information about a cloud where an application is running.
Gets or sets the role name.
Gets or sets the role instance.
Encapsulates information about a device where an application is running.
Gets or sets the type for the current device.
Gets or sets a device unique ID.
Gets or sets the operating system name.
Gets or sets the device OEM for the current device.
Gets or sets the device model for the current device.
Gets or sets the IANA interface type
for the internet connected network adapter.
Gets or sets the current application screen resolution.
Gets or sets the current display language of the operating system.
Converts a System.Exception to a Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.Implementation.TelemetryTypes.ExceptionDetails.
Sanitizing stack to 32k while selecting the initial and end stack trace.
A highly-accurate, precise and testable clock.
Additional implementation for ExceptionDetails.
Creates a new instance of ExceptionDetails from a System.Exception and a parent ExceptionDetails.
Encapsulates information describing an Application Insights component.
This class matches the "Application" schema concept. We are intentionally calling it "Component" for consistency
with terminology used by our portal and services and to encourage standardization of terminology within our
organization. Once a consensus is reached, we will change type and property names to match.
Gets or sets the application version.
Gets or sets the application version.
Holds the static singleton instance of ContextTagKeys.
Encapsulates information about a device where an application is running.
Gets or sets the type for the current device.
Gets or sets a device unique ID.
Gets or sets the operating system name.
Gets or sets the device OEM for the current device.
Gets or sets the device model for the current device.
Gets or sets the IANA interface type
for the internet connected network adapter.
Gets or sets the current application screen resolution.
Gets or sets the current display language of the operating system.
Gets or sets the role name.
Gets or sets the role instance.
Gets or sets the device IP address.
Gets or sets the device VM name.
Internal context type shared between SDK and DP.
Encapsulates telemetry location information.
Gets or sets the location IP.
Encapsulates information about a user session.
Gets or sets the application-defined operation ID.
Gets or sets the application-defined operation NAME.
Encapsulates information about a user session.
Gets or sets the application-defined session ID.
Gets or sets the IsFirst Session for the user.
Gets or sets the IsNewSession Session.
Base class for tags backed context.
Encapsulates information about a user using an application.
Gets or sets the ID of user accessing the application.
Unique user ID is automatically generated in default Application Insights configuration.
Gets or sets the ID of an application-defined account associated with the user.
Gets or sets the UserAgent of an application-defined account associated with the user.
Gets or sets the UserAgent of an application-defined account associated with the user.
Gets or sets the StoreRegion of an application-defined account associated with the user.
Gets or sets the date when the user accessed the application for the first time.
Acquisition date is automatically supplied in default Application Insights configuration.
Sets values on the current context based on the default context passed in.
Encapsulates Internal information.
Gets or sets application insights SDK version.
Gets or sets application insights agent version.
Encapsulates platform-specific functionality required by the API.
This type is public to enable mocking on Windows Phone.
Returns a dictionary that can be used to access per-user/per-application settings shared by all application instances.
Returns contents of the ApplicationInsights.config file in the application directory.
Returns the platform specific object for the given Exception.
Returns the platform specific Debugger writer to the VS output console.
Interface for random number generator capable of producing
a batch of unsigned 64 bit random numbers.
Serializes and compress the telemetry items into a JSON string. Compression will be done using GZIP, for Windows Phone 8 compression will be disabled because there
is API support for it.
Gets the compression type used by the serializer.
Serializes and compress the telemetry items into a JSON string. Each JSON object is separated by a new line.
The list of telemetry items to serialize.
Should serialization also perform compression.
The compressed and serialized telemetry items.
Serialize and compress a telemetry item.
A telemetry item.
Should serialization also perform compression.
The compressed and serialized telemetry item.
Serializes into a JSON string. Each JSON object is separated by a new line.
The list of telemetry items to serialize.
A JSON string of all the serialized items.
Serializes a into a JSON string.
The telemetry to serialize.
A JSON string of the serialized telemetry.
Creates a GZIP compression stream that wraps . For windows phone 8.0 it returns .
Serializes and write the response to .
Serializes this object in JSON format.
Writes the specified property name enclosed in double quotation marks followed by a colon.
When this method is called multiple times, the second call after
and all subsequent calls will write a coma before the name.
Encapsulates telemetry location information.
Gets or sets the location IP.
Encapsulates information about an operation. Operation normally reflects an end to end scenario that starts from a user action (e.g. button click).
Gets or sets the application-defined operation ID for the topmost operation.
Gets or sets the parent operation ID.
Gets or sets the correlation vector for the current telemetry item.
Gets or sets the application-defined topmost operation's name.
Gets or sets the application-defined operation SyntheticSource.
Base class for telemetry types representing duration in time.
Gets or sets the start time of the operation.
Gets or sets Operation ID.
Gets or sets the name of the operation.
Gets or sets whether operation has finished successfully.
Gets or sets the duration of the operation.
Gets the custom properties collection.
Gets or sets the timestamp for the operation.
Gets the object that contains contextual information about the application at the time when it handled the request.
Gets or sets the value that defines absolute order of the telemetry item.
Sanitizes the properties based on constraints.
Allow to call OperationTelemetry.Sanitize method from child classes.
A helper class for implementing properties of telemetry and context classes.
Encapsulates information about a user session.
Gets or sets the application-defined session ID.
Gets or sets the IsFirst Session for the user.
Runs a task after a certain delay and log any error.
Represents an infinite time span.
Gets or sets the delay before the task starts.
Gets a value indicating whether value that indicates if a task has already started.
Start the task.
The task to run.
Cancels the current task.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
Normalize instrumentation key by removing dashes ('-') and making string in the lowercase.
In case no InstrumentationKey is available just return empty string.
In case when InstrumentationKey is available return normalized key + dot ('.')
as a separator between instrumentation key part and telemetry name part.
Extension methods for TelemetryContext.
Returns TelemetryContext's Internal context.
Telemetry context to get Internal context for.
Internal context for TelemetryContext.
Represents the TelemetryProcessor chain. Clients should use TelemetryProcessorChainBuilder to construct this object.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Marked internal, as clients should use TelemetryProcessorChainBuilder to build the processing chain.
Initializes a new instance of the class by using the given list elements.
Marked internal, as clients should use TelemetryProcessorChainBuilder to build the processing chain.
Gets the first telemetry processor from the chain of processors.
Gets the list of TelemetryProcessors making up this chain.
Invokes the process method in the first telemetry processor.
Releases resources used by the current instance of the class.
Represents an object used to Build a TelemetryProcessorChain.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The instance to which the constructed processing chain should be set to.
Uses given factory to add TelemetryProcessor to the chain of processors. The processors
in the chain will be invoked in the same order in which they are added.
A delegate that returns a
, given the next in the call chain.
Builds the chain of linked instances and sets the same in configuration object passed.
A special telemetry processor for handling Transmission is always appended as the last
processor in the chain.
Logs the information when there operation to track is null.
Logs the information when there operation to stop does not match the current operation.
Keywords for the PlatformEventSource.
Key word for user actionable events.
Keyword for errors that trace at Verbose level.
Keyword for errors that trace at Verbose level.
Keyword for errors that trace at Error level.
Subscriber to ETW Event source events, which sends data to other Senders (F5 and Portal).
Use diagnostics telemetry module to report SDK internal problems to the portal and VS debug output window.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Finalizes an instance of the class.
Gets or sets diagnostics Telemetry Module LogLevel configuration setting.
Possible values LogAlways, Critical, Error, Warning, Informational and Verbose.
Gets or sets instrumentation key for diagnostics. Use to redirect SDK
internal problems reporting to the separate instrumentation key.
Initializes this telemetry module.
Telemetry configuration to use for this telemetry module.
Disposes this object.
Event metadata from event source method attribute.
Provides a set of extension methods for tracing.
Returns a culture-independent string representation of the given object,
appropriate for diagnostics tracing.
This class is responsible for sending diagnostics information into VS debug output
for F5 experience.
VS debug output.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Sends diagnostics data to the appropriate output.
Information about trace event.
A dummy queue sender to keep the data to be sent to the portal before the initialize method is called.
This is due to the fact that initialize method cannot be called without the configuration and
the event listener write event is triggered before the diagnosticTelemetryModule initialize method is triggered.
This class is responsible for sending diagnostics information into portal.
Prefix of the traces in portal.
For user non actionable traces use AI Internal prefix.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets instrumentation key for diagnostics (optional).
Thread level resource section lock.
Thread level lock object.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Marks section locked.
Gets a value indicating whether lock is set on the section.
Release lock.
Event Source event wrapper.
Contains description information for trace event.
Gets or sets event metadata.
Gets or sets event event parameters.
An that act as a proxy to the Transmission of telemetry"/>.
The , as configured in will be used for transmission.
This processor is always appended as the last processor in the chain.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The to get the channel from.
Process the given item. Here processing is sending the item through the channel/>.
Defines extension methods that allow coding against without conditional compilation on versions of .NET framework.
Returns a value that indicates whether the specified type can be assigned to the current type.
This method emulates the built-in method of the class which is not available on Windows Runtime.
Returns all the public properties of the specified type.
This method emulates the built-in method of the class which is not available on Windows Runtime.
Note that, unlike the built-in method, this method does not return properties defined in any of the base types.
However, this should be sufficient for our public types, which have to be sealed on Windows Runtime.
Encapsulates information about a user using an application.
Gets or sets the ID of user accessing the application.
Unique user ID is automatically generated in default Application Insights configuration.
Gets or sets the ID of an application-defined account associated with the user.
Gets or sets the UserAgent of an application-defined account associated with the user.
Gets or sets the authenticated user id.
Authenticated user id should be a persistent string that uniquely represents each authenticated user in the application or service.
Generator singleton.
Index of the last used random number within pre-generated array.
Count of segments of random numbers.
Number of random numbers per segment.
Number of bits used to store index of the random number within segment.
Bit mask to get segment index bits.
Bit mask to get index of the random number within segment.
Bit mask to get index of the random number in the pre-generated array.
Array of random number batch generators (one per each segment).
Array of pre-generated random numbers.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes generator with a set of random numbers.
Initializes generator with a set of random numbers.
Factory used to create random number batch generators.
Number of significant bits in segment index, i.e. value of 3 means 8 segments of random numbers - 0..7.
Number of significant bits in random number index within segment, i.e. value of 10 means 1024 random numbers per segment.
Weakly thread safe next (random) operation id generator
where 'weakly' indicates that it is unlikely we'll get into
collision state.
Next operation id.
Generates random number batch for segment which just exhausted
according to value of the new index.
Index in random number array of the random number we're about to return.
Generates batches of random number using Xorshift algorithm
Note: implementation of XorShift algorithm You can find some extra details and performance tests here
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Random generator seed value.
Generates a batch of random numbers.
Buffer to put numbers in.
Start index in the buffer.
Count of random numbers to generate.
This API supports the AI Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the TelemetryModules collection.
Gets the telemetry modules collection.
Encapsulates method call that has to be compiled with DEBUG compiler constant.
Write the message to the VisualStudio output window.
Checks to see if logging is enabled by an attached debugger.
true if a debugger is attached and logging is enabled; otherwise, false.
Checks to see if debugger is attached.
true if debugger is attached.
Represents the operation item that holds telemetry which is tracked on end request. Operation can be associated with either WEB or SQL dependencies.
Gets Telemetry item of interest that is created when StartOperation function of ClientExtensions is invoked.
Represents an object that supports initialization from .
Initialize method is called after all configuration properties have been loaded from the configuration.
Represents an object that initializes objects.
The instances use objects to
automatically initialize properties of the objects.
Initializes properties of the specified object.
Represents an object used to process telemetry as part of sending it to Application Insights.
Process a collected telemetry item.
A collected Telemetry item.
Initializes SDK Properties: SDK Version and SDKMode.
Adds a telemetry property for the version of SDK.
Encapsulates the global telemetry configuration typically loaded from the ApplicationInsights.config file.
All objects are initialized using the
telemetry configuration provided by this class.
Gets the active instance loaded from the ApplicationInsights.config file.
If the configuration file does not exist, the active configuration instance is initialized with minimum defaults
needed to send telemetry to Application Insights.
Gets or sets the default instrumentation key for the application.
The new value is null.
This instrumentation key value is used by default by all instances
created in the application. This value can be overwritten by setting the
property of the .
Gets or sets a value indicating whether sending of telemetry to Application Insights is disabled.
This disable tracking setting value is used by default by all instances
created in the application.
Gets the list of objects that supply additional information about telemetry.
Telemetry initializers extend Application Insights telemetry collection by supplying additional information
about individual items, such as . A
invokes telemetry initializers each time method is called.
The default list of telemetry initializers is provided by the Application Insights NuGet packages and loaded from
the ApplicationInsights.config file located in the application directory.
Gets a readonly collection of TelemetryProcessors.
Gets the TelemetryProcessorChainBuilder which can build and populate TelemetryProcessors in the TelemetryConfiguration.
Gets or sets the telemetry channel.
Gets or sets the chain of processors.
Creates a new instance loaded from the ApplicationInsights.config file.
If the configuration file does not exist, the new configuration instance is initialized with minimum defaults
needed to send telemetry to Application Insights.
Creates a new instance loaded from the specified configuration.
An xml serialized configuration.
Throws if the config value is null or empty.
Releases resources used by the current instance of the class.
An that that populates property for
the Microsoft internal telemetry sent to the Vortex endpoint.
Populates with unique ID and sequential number.
Represents a communication channel for sending telemetry to Application Insights via HTTPS. There will be a buffer that will not be persisted, to enforce the
queued telemetry items to be sent, should be called.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class. Used in unit tests for constructor injection.
The telemetry buffer that will be used to enqueue new events.
The in memory transmitter that will send the events queued in the buffer.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether developer mode of telemetry transmission is enabled.
Gets or sets the sending interval. Once the interval expires,
serializes the accumulated telemetry items for transmission and sends it over the wire.
Gets or sets the HTTP address where the telemetry is sent.
Gets or sets the maximum number of telemetry items will accumulate in a memory before
the serializing them for transmission to Application Insights.
Sends an instance of ITelemetry through the channel.
Will send all the telemetry items stored in the memory.
Disposing the channel.
A transmitter that will immediately send telemetry over HTTP.
Telemetry items are being sent when Flush is called, or when the buffer is full (An OnFull "event" is raised) or every 30 seconds.
A lock object to serialize the sending calls from Flush, OnFull event and the Runner.
The number of times this object was disposed.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Flushes the in-memory buffer and sends it.
Flushes the in-memory buffer and sends the telemetry items in intervals or when
is set.
Happens when the in-memory buffer is full. Flushes the in-memory buffer and sends the telemetry items.
Flushes the in-memory buffer and send it.
Serializes a list of telemetry items and sends them.
The base telemetry type for application insights.
Gets or sets date and time when telemetry was recorded.
Gets the context associated with this telemetry instance.
Gets or sets the value that defines absolute order of the telemetry item.
The sequence is used to track absolute order of uploaded telemetry items. It is a two-part value that includes
a stable identifier for the current boot session and an incrementing identifier for each event added to the upload queue:
For UTC this would increment for all events across the system.
For Persistence this would increment for all events emitted from the hosting process.
The Sequence helps track how many events were fired and how many events were uploaded and enables identification
of data lost during upload and de-duplication of events on the ingress server.
From .
Sanitizes the properties of the telemetry item based on DP constraints.
Represents a communication channel for sending telemetry to application insights.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this channel is in developer mode.
Gets or sets the endpoint address of the channel.
Sends an instance of ITelemetry through the channel.
Flushes the in-memory buffer.
Accumulates items for efficient transmission.
Delegate that is raised when the buffer is full.
Gets or sets the maximum number of telemetry items that can be buffered before transmission.
The value is zero or less.
Implements an asynchronous transmission of data to an HTTP POST endpoint.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class. This overload is for Test purposes.
Gets the Address of the endpoint to which transmission will be sent.
Gets the content of the transmission.
Gets the content's type of the transmission.
Gets the encoding method of the transmission.
Gets a timeout value for the transmission.
Gets an id of the transmission.
Executes the request that the current transmission represents.
The task to await.
Creates an http request for sending a transmission.
The address of the web request.
The stream to write to.
The request. An object of type HttpRequestMessage.
Creates a post web request.
The Address in the web request.
A web request pointing to the Address.
Telemetry type used to track events.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class with the given .
The event is null or empty string.
Gets or sets date and time when event was recorded.
Gets or sets the value that defines absolute order of the telemetry item.
Gets the context associated with the current telemetry item.
Gets or sets the name of the event.
Gets a dictionary of application-defined event metrics.
Gets a dictionary of application-defined property names and values providing additional information about this event.
Gets or sets data sampling percentage (between 0 and 100).
Sanitizes the properties based on constraints.
This enumeration is used by ExceptionTelemetry to identify if and where exception was handled.
Exception was not handled. Application crashed.
Exception was handled in user code.
Exception was handled by some platform handlers.
Telemetry type used to track exceptions.
Initializes a new instance of the class with empty properties.
Initializes a new instance of the class with empty properties.
Exception instance.
Gets or sets date and time when telemetry was recorded.
Gets or sets the value that defines absolute order of the telemetry item.
Gets the context associated with the current telemetry item.
Gets or sets the value indicated where the exception was handled.
Gets or sets the original exception tracked by this .
Gets a dictionary of application-defined exception metrics.
Gets a dictionary of application-defined property names and values providing additional information about this exception.
Gets or sets Exception severity level.
Gets or sets data sampling percentage (between 0 and 100).
Sanitizes the properties based on constraints.
Encapsulates logic for serializing objects to JSON.
Writes opening/left square bracket.
Writes opening/left curly brace.
Writes closing/right square bracket.
Writes closing/right curly brace.
Writes comma.
Writes a property.
Writes a property.
Writes a property.
Writes a property.
Writes a property.
Writes a property.
Writes a property.
Writes a property.
Writes a property name in double quotation marks, followed by a colon.
Writes as raw value directly.
This exception is used to notify the user that the set of inner exceptions has been trimmed because it exceeded our allowed send limit.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message.
The message that describes the error.
Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
The error message that explains the reason for the exception. The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.
Represents an object that supports application-defined properties.
Gets a dictionary of application-defined property names and values providing additional information about telemetry.
Represent objects that support data sampling.
Gets or sets data sampling percentage (between 0 and 100).
Telemetry type used to track metrics.
Initializes a new instance of the class with empty
Initializes a new instance of the class with the
specified and .
The is null or empty string.
Gets or sets date and time when event was recorded.
Gets or sets the value that defines absolute order of the telemetry item.
Gets the context associated with the current telemetry item.
Gets or sets the name of the metric.
Gets or sets the value of this metric.
Gets or sets the number of samples for this metric.
Gets or sets the min value of this metric.
Gets or sets the max value of this metric.
Gets or sets the standard deviation of this metric.
Gets a dictionary of application-defined property names and values providing additional information about this metric.
Sanitizes the properties based on constraints.
Telemetry type used to track page views.
You can send information about pages viewed by your application to Application Insights by
passing an instance of the class to the
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class with the
specified .
The is null or empty string.
Gets or sets date and time when event was recorded.
Gets or sets the value that defines absolute order of the telemetry item.
Gets the context associated with the current telemetry item.
Gets or sets the name of the metric.
Gets or sets the page view Uri.
Gets or sets the page view duration.
Gets a dictionary of custom defined metrics.
Gets a dictionary of application-defined property names and values providing additional information about this page view.
Gets or sets data sampling percentage (between 0 and 100).
Sanitizes the properties based on constraints.
The class that represents information about performance counters.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Category name.
Performance counter name.
Instance name.
Performance counter value.
Gets or sets date and time when telemetry was recorded.
Gets or sets the value that defines absolute order of the telemetry item.
Gets the context associated with the current telemetry item.
Gets or sets the counter value.
Gets or sets the category name.
Gets or sets the counter name.
Gets or sets the instance name.
Gets a dictionary of application-defined property names and values providing additional information about this exception.
Sanitizes the properties based on constraints.
The class that represents information about the collected dependency.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class with the given , ,
, and property values.
Gets or sets date and time when telemetry was recorded.
Gets or sets the value that defines absolute order of the telemetry item.
Gets the context associated with the current telemetry item.
Gets or sets Dependency ID.
Gets or sets the Result Code.
Gets or sets resource name.
Gets or sets text of SQL command or empty it not applicable.
Gets or sets the dependency type name.
Gets or sets the date and time when dependency was called by the application.
Gets or sets dependency call duration.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dependency call was successful or not.
Gets a dictionary of application-defined property names and values providing additional information about this remote dependency.
Gets or sets the dependency kind, like SQL, HTTP, Azure, etc.
Gets or sets data sampling percentage (between 0 and 100).
Sanitizes the properties based on constraints.
Encapsulates information about a web request handled by the application.
You can send information about requests processed by your web application to Application Insights by
passing an instance of the class to the
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class with the given ,
, , and property values.
Gets or sets date and time when telemetry was recorded.
Gets or sets the date and time when request was processed by the application.
Gets or sets the value that defines absolute order of the telemetry item.
Gets the object that contains contextual information about the application at the time when it handled the request.
Gets or sets Request ID.
Gets or sets human-readable name of the requested page.
Gets or sets response code returned by the application after handling the request.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether application handled the request successfully.
Gets or sets the amount of time it took the application to handle the request.
Gets a dictionary of application-defined property names and values providing additional information about this request.
Gets or sets request url (optional).
Gets a dictionary of application-defined request metrics.
Gets or sets the HTTP method of the request.
Gets or sets data sampling percentage (between 0 and 100).
Sanitizes the properties based on constraints.
Contains values that identify state of a user session.
Indicates that a user session started.
Indicates that a user session ended.
Telemetry type used to track user sessions.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified .
A value indicating state of the user session.
Gets or sets the date and time the session state was recorded.
Gets the of the application when the session state was recorded.
Gets or sets the value that defines absolute order of the telemetry item.
Gets or sets the value describing state of the user session.
Sanitizes this telemetry instance to ensure it can be accepted by the Application Insights.
This enumeration is used by ExceptionTelemetry and TraceTelemetry to identify severity level.
Verbose severity level.
Information severity level.
Warning severity level.
Error severity level.
Critical severity level.
Represents a context for sending telemetry to the Application Insights service.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the default instrumentation key for all objects logged in this .
By default, this property is initialized with the value
of the instance of . You can specify it
for all telemetry tracked via a particular or for a specific
Gets the object describing the component tracked by this .
Gets the object describing the device tracked by this .
Gets the object describing the cloud tracked by this .
Gets the object describing a user session tracked by this .
Gets the object describing a user tracked by this .
Gets the object describing a operation tracked by this .
Gets the object describing a location tracked by this .
Gets a dictionary of application-defined property values.
Gets a dictionary of context tags.
Telemetry type used for log messages.
Contains a time and message and optionally some additional metadata.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets date and time when event was recorded.
Gets or sets the value that defines absolute order of the telemetry item.
Gets the context associated with the current telemetry item.
Gets or sets the message text. For example, the text that would normally be written to a log file line.
Gets or sets Trace severity level.
Gets a dictionary of application-defined property names and values providing additional information about this trace.
Gets or sets data sampling percentage (between 0 and 100).
Sanitizes the properties based on constraints.
Extension functions to operation telemetry that start and stop the timer.
An extension to telemetry item that starts the timer for the the respective telemetry.
Telemetry item object that calls this extension method.
An extension method to telemetry item that stops the timer and computes the duration of the request or dependency.
Telemetry item object that calls this extension method.
Generate random operation Id and set it to OperationContext.
Telemetry to initialize Operation id for.
Send events, metrics and other telemetry to the Application Insights service.
Initializes a new instance of the class. Send telemetry with the active configuration, usually loaded from ApplicationInsights.config.
Initializes a new instance of the class. Send telemetry with the specified .
The is null.
Gets the current context that will be used to augment telemetry you send.
Gets or sets the default instrumentation key for all objects logged in this .
Gets the object associated with this telemetry client instance.
Check to determine if the tracking is enabled.
Send an for display in Diagnostic Search and aggregation in Metrics Explorer.
A name for the event.
Named string values you can use to search and classify events.
Measurements associated with this event.
Send an for display in Diagnostic Search and aggregation in Metrics Explorer.
Create a separate instance for each call to .
An event log item.
Send a trace message for display in Diagnostic Search.
Message to display.
Send a trace message for display in Diagnostic Search.
Message to display.
Trace severity level.
Send a trace message for display in Diagnostic Search.
Message to display.
Named string values you can use to search and classify events.
Send a trace message for display in Diagnostic Search.
Message to display.
Trace severity level.
Named string values you can use to search and classify events.
Send a trace message for display in Diagnostic Search.
Create a separate instance for each call to .
Message with optional properties.
Send a for aggregation in Metric Explorer.
Metric name.
Metric value.
Named string values you can use to classify and filter metrics.
Send a for aggregation in Metric Explorer.
Create a separate instance for each call to .
Send an for display in Diagnostic Search.
The exception to log.
Named string values you can use to classify and search for this exception.
Additional values associated with this exception.
Send an for display in Diagnostic Search.
Create a separate instance for each call to
Send information about external dependency call in the application.
External dependency name.
Dependency call command name.
The time when the dependency was called.
The time taken by the external dependency to handle the call.
True if the dependency call was handled successfully.
Send information about external dependency call in the application.
Create a separate instance for each call to
This method is an internal part of Application Insights infrastructure. Do not call.
This method is an internal part of Application Insights infrastructure. Do not call.
Telemetry item to initialize.
Send information about the page viewed in the application.
Name of the page.
Send information about the page viewed in the application.
Create a separate instance for each call to .
Send information about a request handled by the application.
The request name.
The time when the page was requested.
The time taken by the application to handle the request.
The response status code.
True if the request was handled successfully by the application.
Send information about a request handled by the application.
Create a separate instance for each call to .
Flushes the in-memory buffer.
Various utilities.
Validates the string and if null or empty populates it with '$parameterName is a required field for $telemetryType' value.
Returns default Timespan value if not a valid Timespan.