Request tracking constants and keys.
Name of the HttpContext item containing RequestTelemetry object.
Type name for the transfer handler. This handler is used to enable extension(less) URI
and it produces extra request, which should not be counted.
The name of the cookie which holds authenticated user context information.
Creates request name on the base of HttpContext.
Controller/Action for MVC or path for other cases.
Allows configuration of patterns for synthetic traffic filters.
Gets or sets the regular expression pattern applied to the user agent string to determine whether traffic is synthetic.
Gets or sets the readable name for the synthetic traffic source. If not provided, defaults to the pattern match.
ETW EventSource tracing class.
Instance of the PlatformEventSource class.
Keywords for the PlatformEventSource. Those keywords should match keywords in Core.
Key word for user actionable events.
Diagnostics tracing keyword.
Keyword for errors that trace at Verbose level.
Class provides methods to post event about Web event like begin or end of the request.
WebEventsPublisher static instance.
Gets the instance of WebEventsPublisher type.
Method generates event about begin of the request.
Method generates event about end of the request.
Method generates event in case if request failed.
Base class for WebOperationTelemetryInitializers.
Base implementation of the initialization method.
Telemetry item to initialize.
Implements initialization logic.
Http context.
Request telemetry object associated with the current request.
Telemetry item to initialize.
Resolved web platform specific context.
An instance of the context.
Base web telemetry module.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the module name which is added to be used for internal tracing instead of GetType on each request to improve performance.
Post initialization Web Telemetry Module callback.
An instance of request telemetry context.
Platform specific context.
Request telemetry finalization - sending callback Web Telemetry Module callback.
An instance of request telemetry context.
Platform specific context.
Http Error reporting Web Telemetry Module callback.
An instance of request telemetry context.
Platform specific context.
A telemetry initializer that will set the User properties of Context corresponding to a RequestTelemetry object.
User.AccountId is updated with properties derived from the RequestTelemetry.RequestTelemetry.Context.User.
Implements initialization logic.
Http context.
Request telemetry object associated with the current request.
Telemetry item to initialize.
Platform agnostic module for web application instrumentation.
Indicates if module initialized successfully.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes module for a given application.
HttpApplication instance.
Required IDisposable implementation.
A telemetry initializer that will set the User properties of Context corresponding to a RequestTelemetry object.
User.AuthenticatedUserId is updated with properties derived from the RequestTelemetry.RequestTelemetry.Context.User.
Implements initialization logic.
Http context.
Request telemetry object associated with the current request.
Telemetry item to initialize.
A telemetry initializer that will set the correlation context for all telemetry items in web application.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the name of the header to get parent operation Id from.
Gets or sets the name of the header to get root operation Id from.
Implements initialization logic.
Http context.
Request telemetry object associated with the current request.
Telemetry item to initialize.
Telemetry initializer populates client IP address for the current request.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets a list of request header names that is used to check client id.
Gets or sets a header values separator.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the first or the last IP should be used from the lists of IPs in the header.
Implements initialization logic.
Http context.
Request telemetry object associated with the current request.
Telemetry item to initialize.
Telemetry module to collect unhandled exceptions caught by http module.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Implements on error callback of http module.
Initializes the telemetry module.
Telemetry configuration to use for initialization.
Dispose method.
Returns current HttpContext.
Current HttpContext.
A telemetry initializer that will set the NAME property of OperationContext corresponding to a TraceTelemetry object.
If the telemetry object is of type RequestTelemetry, then the Name of the RequestTelemetry is updated. For all other cases,
Operation.Name is updated with the name derived from the HttpContext.
Implements initialization logic.
Http context.
Request telemetry object associated with the current request.
Telemetry item to initialize.
Telemetry module tracking requests using http module.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the list of handler types for which requests telemetry will not be collected
if request was successful.
Implements on begin callback of http module.
Implements on end callback of http module.
Initializes the telemetry module.
Telemetry configuration to use for initialization.
Dispose method.
Verifies context to detect whether or not request needs to be processed.
Current http context.
True if request needs to be processed, otherwise - False.
Returns current HttpContext.
Current HttpContext.
Checks whether or not handler is a transfer handler.
An instance of handler to validate.
True if handler is a transfer handler, otherwise - False.
A telemetry initializer that will set the Session properties of Context corresponding to a RequestTelemetry object.
Session is updated with properties derived from the RequestTelemetry.RequestTelemetry.Context.Session.
Implements initialization logic.
Http context.
Request telemetry object associated with the current request.
Telemetry item to initialize.
A telemetry initializer that will update the User, Session and Operation contexts if request originates from a web test.
Implements initialization logic.
Http context.
Request telemetry object associated with the current request.
Telemetry item to initialize.
A telemetry initializer that determines if the request came from a synthetic source based on the user agent string.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the configured patterns for matching synthetic traffic filters through user agent string.
Implements initialization logic.
Http context.
Request telemetry object associated with the current request.
Telemetry item to initialize.
A telemetry initializer that will set the User properties of Context corresponding to a RequestTelemetry object.
User.Id are updated with properties derived from the RequestTelemetry.RequestTelemetry.Context.User.
Implements initialization logic.
Http context.
Request telemetry object associated with the current request.
Telemetry item to initialize.
HttpContextExtension class provides extensions methods for accessing Web Application Insights objects.
Provide access to request generated by Web Application Insights SDK.
HttpContext instance.
Request telemetry instance or null.