using SysBaseLibs; using SysDataLibs.TableClass; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Services; namespace GSMarketSys.WS { /// /// GetCheckDataService 的摘要说明 /// [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(false)] // 若要允许使用 ASP.NET AJAX 从脚本中调用此 Web 服务,请取消注释以下行。 // [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] public class GetCheckDataService : System.Web.Services.WebService { public GetCheckDataService() { //如果使用设计的组件,请取消注释以下行 //InitializeComponent(); } /// /// [],[],[] /// /// /// [WebMethod] public string GetCheckData(string jsonFile) { string AllResult = ""; string reIP = Context.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"]; // string reIP = ""; SysBaseLibs.ThreadLog.LogInfo("GetCheckData :" + reIP + " " + jsonFile); string[] arrRemoteIPs = SysDataLibs.AppEnv.SysSetObj.GetString("GetCheckDataRemoteIP").Split('@'); //string lcWhereSql = ""; string testIP = arrRemoteIPs[arrRemoteIPs.Length - 1]; arrRemoteIPs[arrRemoteIPs.Length - 1] = ""; DBConnSql loConn = new DBConnSql(); loConn.Open(); if (arrRemoteIPs.Contains(reIP) || reIP == "") { if (isCanGetCheckData(reIP, loConn)) { List loJsonPara = new List(); Sys_AttachTables_info laTab = new Sys_AttachTables_info(reIP, "ForGetCheckData", "GetCheckDataMan", loConn); string lcLastGetDatTime = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(laTab.SourceKey)) lcLastGetDatTime = laTab.ActionTime; if (!CheckSearchTimeNot(jsonFile, loJsonPara, lcLastGetDatTime)) { return "输入为不正确的时间格式!"; } AllResult = GetCheckDataByWhere(GetWhereSqlByJsonFile(loJsonPara), reIP, loConn); } else { AllResult = "距离上次查询时间不到" + SysDataLibs.AppEnv.SysSetObj.GetString("GetCDataFrequency") + "分钟,限制访问!"; } } else if (reIP == testIP) { AllResult = @" 测试IP --- 葱蒜类 大葱 DefaultUser 2010-01-01 00:00:00 --- 甲醛 合格 0.0000 WB967197 "; } else { AllResult = reIP + "是非约定的IP!"; } return AllResult; } /// /// 校验输入的第一个日期格式是否正确 /// /// /// false:正确;true:错误 private bool CheckSearchTimeNot(string pJsonFile, List poParas, string pcLastGetDatTime) { bool lbRetval = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pJsonFile)) { Array loPara = SysBaseLibs.UtilStr.StrToArrayEx(pJsonFile, ","); if (loPara != null && loPara.Length > 0) { if (loPara != null && loPara.Length == 2) { lbRetval = CheckDateTime(loPara.GetValue(1)); if (lbRetval) { poParas.Add(loPara.GetValue(1).ToString()); } } lbRetval = CheckDateTime(loPara.GetValue(0)); if (lbRetval) { poParas.Add(loPara.GetValue(0).ToString()); if (SysDataLibs.AppEnv.SysSetObj.GetBool("CheckLastGetDatTime") && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pcLastGetDatTime)) { try { if (DateTime.Parse(pcLastGetDatTime).CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(loPara.GetValue(0).ToString())) > 0) { poParas.RemoveAt(poParas.Count - 1); poParas.Add(pcLastGetDatTime); } } catch { } } } } poParas.Reverse(); } return lbRetval; } private bool CheckDateTime(object poDateTime) { bool lbRetval = false; try { DateTime loTime = DateTime.Parse(SysBaseLibs.UtilStr.StrFromObj(poDateTime)); lbRetval = true; } catch { } return lbRetval; } /// /// 根据输入条件生成对应的Sql条件 /// /// /// private string GetWhereSqlByJsonFile(List poJsonParas) { string lcWhereSql = ""; if (poJsonParas.Count > 0) { lcWhereSql = " and UploadTime >= '" + CompareEarilyTime(poJsonParas[0]) + "'"; if (poJsonParas.Count == 2) { lcWhereSql += " and UploadTime < '" + poJsonParas[1] + "'"; } } else { lcWhereSql = " and UploadTime >= '" + DateTime.Now.Year + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month + "/" + DateTime.Now.Day + "'"; ; //DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 00:00:00") + "'"; } return lcWhereSql; } private string GetCheckDataByWhere(string poWhereSql, string pRemoteIP, DBConnSql poDBConn) { string lcSql = SysDataLibs.AppEnv.SysSetObj.GetString("GetCheckDataViewSql") + " where 1=1 " + poWhereSql + " order by UploadTime Asc"; rsQuery loQuery = poDBConn.OpenQuery(lcSql); rsXmlNode rsAll = rsXmlNode.ParseGenericXml("" + pRemoteIP + ""); if (loQuery != null && loQuery.IsOpened && loQuery.RecCount > 0) { loQuery.MoveFirst(); rsXmlNode snResultsNodes = rsXmlNode.ParseGenericXml(""); rsXmlNode snNodes = SysBaseLibs.rsXmlNode.ParseGenericXml(SysDataLibs.AppEnv.SysSetObj.GetString("GetCheckDataXml")); for (int i = 0; i < loQuery.RecCount; i++) { rsXmlNode loResultNode = snNodes.Clone() as rsXmlNode; foreach (rsXmlNode loNode in loResultNode.Nodes) { loNode.Value = loQuery.GetString(loNode.Name); } snResultsNodes.AddChild(loResultNode); loQuery.MoveNext(); } rsAll.AddChild(snResultsNodes); AddOrUpdateGetDataTimes(pRemoteIP, poDBConn); } return rsAll.ToXmlString(); //return sb.ToString(); } /// /// 判断是否小于或等于最早的查询时间 /// /// 输入的查询时间 /// private string CompareEarilyTime(string pTime) { string lbRetval = pTime; DateTime loTime = DateTime.Parse(pTime); DateTime loEarliestTime; string lcSqlTime = SysDataLibs.AppEnv.SysSetObj.GetString("GetCheckDataEarliest"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lcSqlTime)) { if (DateTime.TryParse(lcSqlTime, out loEarliestTime)) { if (loTime.CompareTo(loEarliestTime) < 0) { lbRetval = loEarliestTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 00:00:00"); } } } return lbRetval; } /// /// 判断当前访问的主机IP是不是可以获取数据 /// /// /// true:可以获取 private bool isCanGetCheckData(string remoteIP, DBConnSql poDBConn) { bool lbRetval = true; Sys_AttachTables_info laTab = new Sys_AttachTables_info(remoteIP, "ForGetCheckData", "GetCheckDataMan", poDBConn); if (laTab != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(laTab.SourceKey)) { TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - DateTime.Parse(laTab.ActionTime); string GetCDataFrequency = SysDataLibs.AppEnv.SysSetObj.GetString("GetCDataFrequency"); if (ts.Minutes < Utils.ValI(GetCDataFrequency)) { lbRetval = false; } } return lbRetval; } /// /// 更改查询的操作次数 /// /// /// private void AddOrUpdateGetDataTimes(string remoteIP, DBConnSql poDBConn) { Sys_AttachTables_info laTab = new Sys_AttachTables_info(remoteIP, "ForGetCheckData", "GetCheckDataMan", poDBConn); if (laTab != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(laTab.SourceKey)) { laTab.ActionTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); laTab.ActionTimes = UtilStr.StrFromObj(Utils.ValI(laTab.ActionTimes) + 1); if (poDBConn.ExcuteSqlTran(laTab.UpdateSql())) { } } else { Sys_AttachTables_info laTabNew = new Sys_AttachTables_info(); laTabNew.TableId = "ForGetCheckData"; laTabNew.SourceKey = remoteIP; laTabNew.UserID = "GetCheckDataMan"; laTabNew.ColumnId = "RemoteIP"; laTabNew.ActionTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); laTabNew.ActionTimes = "1"; laTabNew.Actiion = "已查询"; if (poDBConn.ExcuteSqlTran(laTabNew.InsertSql())) { //SysBaseLibs.ThreadLog.SysLog.WriteInfor(laTabNew.DataXMLNode.ToXmlString()); } } } } }