SelectHtmlToPdf Authentication options needed when the web page to be converted requires authentication. Specifies the user name if the web page to be converted requires authentication. Specifies the password if the web page to be converted requires authentication. BeforeCreateNextPage event handler The BeforeCreateNextPage event handler BeforeCreateNextPage event arguments Set this property true to cancel automatic creation of next page. This will also end the rendering of the next page. BeforeRenderNextPage event handler The BeforeRenderNextPage event handler BeforeRenderNextPage event arguments Constructor The next page index The rectangle rendered on the next page Set this property true to cancel rendering on next page The rectangle that will be rendered on the next page The index of the next page Global properties for SelectPdf SDK. Gets or sets the full path (including the file name) of the html rendering engine helper file. Gets or sets the full path (including the file name) of the pdf tools engine helper file. Enable or disable web fonts caching on disk. The default value for this property is False and web fonts are cached into memory. Folder used to cache web fonts. If not specified, the system temporary folder is used. This property is taken into account only if is set to True. Internal use only. Specifies what css styles are loaded when the html is rendered Default (screen) css styles are loaded Print css styles are loaded Specifies how the html content is rendered in a pdf page. The html content is rendered as it is. No size adjustments are performed, even though the destination space might be smaller than needed. The html content is shrunk if necessary to fit the available destination space. This option does not expand the content if it's smaller than the available space. The html content is automatically adjusted to fit the entire available space. Unlike , the content can be either shrunk or stretched. The proxy settings used to resolve the HTTP requests. Gets or sets the host name of the proxy host. Gets or sets the password used for authentication. Gets or sets the port number of the proxy host. Gets or sets the proxy type. Gets or sets the user name used for authentication. The list of available proxy types used by the converter to resolve HTTP requests. Socks5 None Http HttpCaching Offers information about the html to pdf conversion process. After a successful conversion the property is initialized with an instance of this class. Creates a HtmlToPdfResult object. The number of pages in the generated pdf document. The size of the web page in pixels. 1px is 1/96 inch at 96 DPI. The size of the page in the generated pdf document. This size is in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch. The factor used to scale the html content to fit the pdf page. This property offers the factor used to scale the html content when rendered into the pdf document. When is or , the html content might be resized to fit the pdf page width if necessary. The index of the pdf page where the rendering of the html content ended in the generated pdf document. This information is useful when other pdf elements are added after conversion using the object. The size and position of the html content rendered on the last page in the generated pdf document. This information is useful when other pdf elements are added after conversion using the object. Note: The last page is specified by the property. The size and position of the html content rendered in all pages of the pdf document. This information is useful when other pdf elements are added after conversion using the object. Gets an object populated after conversion with the title, keywords and description of the converted web page. This information can be used to set the properties of the pdf document after the conversion. HTML converter utilities Get the HTML code from the specified URL. Use the autodetermined page encoding to create the resulted string object. The default code page is UTF8 if the page has no encoding specified The URL from where to get the HTML The page HTML string Get the HTML code from the specified URL. Use the specified page encoding to create the resulted string object. The URL from where to get the HTML The encoding used to build the resulted string object The page HTML string The HttpWebRequest object to to make the HTTP request The encoding used to build the resulted string object The page HTML string Specifies the converter startup mode. The conversion starts right after the page loads. The conversion starts only when called from JavaScript. The pdf page size expressed in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch. Default constructor constructs a A4 page size Constructs a custom page size The page width in points The page height in points Letter Note Legal A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 ArchE ArchD ArchC ArchB ArchA Flsa HalfLetter 11x17 Ledger Gets or sets the page width Gets or sets the page height This class provides the options to control the pdf document security. Allows inserting, rotating or deleting pages or bookmarks. Allows copying page contents such as text and images. Allows document annotations editing. Allows modifying document content. Allows filling in form fields. Allows printing. Sets or gets the owner password. This password is required to change permissions of the pdf document (like printing or editing). Gets or sets the user password. This password is required to open the pdf document. The length of the pdf encryption key. 246 bit length. 128 bit length. 40 bit length. The encryption algorithm. RC4 AES Represents the collection of pages in a pdf document. is a collection of objects. The parent PDF Document. Creates a collection of pages for this document. The PDF document for which this collection is created. Gets the collection enumerator. The collection enumerator. Creates a new pdf page and adds it to the pdf document pages collection. If there is a previous page in the pages collection, the orientation and size are inherited from that page, otherwise a first page with the default size and orientation is created. The page margins are inherited from the default pdf document margins specified in property. The newly created pdf page. Creates a new pdf page with the specified margins and adds it to the pdf document pages collection. If there is a previous page in the pages collection, the orientation and size are inherited from that page, otherwise a first page with the default size and orientation is created. The pdf page margins. The newly created pdf page. Creates a new pdf page with the specified size and margins and adds it to the pdf document pages collection. If there is a previous page in the pages collection, the orientation is inherited from that page, otherwise a first page with the default orientation is created. The pdf page size. The pdf page margins. The newly created pdf page. Creates a new pdf page with the specified size, margins and orientation and adds it to the pdf document pages collection. The pdf page size. The pdf page margins. The pdf page orientation. The newly created pdf page. Creates a new pdf page with the specified size, margins and orientation and inserts it into the pdf document pages collection at the specified index. The index where the new pdf page will be inserted. The pdf page size. The pdf page margins. The pdf page orientation. The newly created pdf page. Adds the specified page to the pdf document pages collection. The specified page can belong to another pdf document. The source pdf document must remain opened until the current document is saved. The page to be added to the collection. The index of the page in collection. If the page already exists, this method returns the index of the existing page. Adds the specified array of pages to the pdf document pages collection. The specified pages can belong to another pdf document. The source pdf document must remain opened until the current document is saved. The pdf pages to be added to the collection. Inserts the specified page into the pdf document pages collection at the specified index. The specified page can belong to another pdf document. The source pdf document must remain opened until the current document is saved. The index where the pdf page will be inserted. The pdf page to be inserted into the collection. Indicates if the collection contains the specified page. The specified pdf page. True if the collection contains the specified page. Returns the index of specified page in collection. The specified pdf page. The index of the specified page in collection. Removes the specified page from the pdf document pages collection. The pdf page to be removed. Removes the pdf page at the specified index in pdf document pages collection. The zero based index of the pdf page to be removed. The parent pdf document of the pages collection. Gets or sets the page at the specified zero based index in the pages collection. The zero based page index in the pdf pages collection. The pdf page at the specified index. The number of pages in the pdf pages collection. Standard rotation angles for pdf pages. 0 degrees rotation. 90 degrees rotation. 180 degrees rotation. 270 degrees rotation. The Korean-Japanesse-Chinese (CJK) predefined fonts. Heisei Kaku Gothic W5 Japanese font. Heisei Mincho W3 Japanese font. Hanyang Systems Gothic Medium Korean font. Hanyang Systems Shin MyeongJo Medium Korean font. Monotype Hei Medium Chinese traditional font. Monotype Sung Light Chinese traditional font. SinoType Song Light Chinese simplified font. Standard PDF font families. Custom font. Helvetica Helvetica Bold Helvetica Oblique Helvetica Bold Oblique Courier Courier Bold Courier Oblique Courier Bold Oblique Times Roman Times Bold Times Bold Italic Times Italic Symbol ZapfDingbats Represents a template in a pdf document. A template contains elements that are repeated on each page of the pdf document. Base class for classes that can render pdf page elements. is the base class for and . should be used to add elements to the pdf document only in a certain page at a certain position. should be used to add elements to the pdf document that will appear in more than one page. Adds a pdf page element to the canvas. The page element to be rendered The result of adding the element Measures the size of the specified string when rendered with the specified font. String to measure. The font used to render the string. The size of the string. Gets the drawable area of the canvas. The margins, pdf document header and footer are excluded. Adds a pdf element to the template. The page element to be added. The result of element rendering. Gets or sets the width for a custom template. This property has no effect for a default document template. Gets or sets the height for a custom template. This property has no effect for a default document template. Gets or sets the template bounds rectangle. This property has no effect for a default document template. Gets or sets the template docking style inside the pdf page. Gets or sets the template anchoring settings inside the pdf page. Controls the visibility of the template on the odd numbered pages of the pdf document. By default the template is displayed on both odd and even numbered pages. The property has priority over . Controls the visibility of the template on the even numbered pages of the pdf document. By default the template is displayed on both odd and even numbered pages. Controls the visibility of the template on the first page of the generated pdf document. When this property is true the template will be displayed on the first page of the pdf document, otherwise it will not be visible. This property has priority over . The default value is true. Controls the page number for the first page being rendered. Controls the total number of pages offset in the pdf document. Controls whether the template is rendered in front of the page main content or not. The default value is true. Elements from the template will be displayed in front of the other elements from the page. Controls whether the template is rendered behind the page main content or not. The default value is false. Elements from the template will not be displayed behind the other elements from the page. Specifies horizontal alignment of text. Default alignment. Align left. Center text. Align right. Justify text. This class provides information about the converted web page (title, description, keywords). The web page title. The web page keywords. The web page description. Represents the mapping of a HTML element in the PDF document as collection of PDF rectangles. A HTML element can span on many pages in the generated PDF document and therefore, in general, many PDF rectangles are necessary to completely describe the mapping of a HTML element in PDF. The ID in HTML of the HTML element. The rectangles occupied by the HTML element in the generated PDF document. A HTML element can span on many pages in the generated PDF document and therefore, in general, many PDF rectangles are necessary to completely describe the mapping of a HTML element in PDF. The text of the HTML element. If the element does not have an associated text, this property returns null. The HTML code of the HTML element. The HTML tag name of the HTML element. The CSS class name of the HTML element. Represents a collection of mappings of HTML elements in PDF. Gets the collection enumerator The collection enumerator Gets the mapping in PDF of the HTML element with the specified HTML ID. The search is case insensitive. The HTML ID of the element. The mapping in PDF of the specified HTML element or null if no element with the specified ID was found. Gets the mapping in PDF of the HTML elements with the specified HTML tag name. The search is case insensitive. The HTML tag name of the element. The mappings in PDF of the specified HTML elements or null if no element with the specified tag name was found. Gets the mapping at the specified zero based index from collection. The zero based index of the mapping. The mapping at the specified index in collection. Returns null if the index is out of collection bounds. Gets the number of mappings in collection. Represents the rectangle occupied by a HTML element in a page of the generated PDF document. The zero based index of the PDF page containing this rectangle. The rectangle position inside the PDF page drawing area. The drawing area of the PDF page does not include the page margins, header or footer. The rectangle dimensions are expressed in points (1 point is 1/72 inch). Helps retrieving the positions of a list of html elements in the generated pdf document. This property is used to set an array containing the selectors of the HTML elements for which to retrieve the position in PDF. For example, the selector for all the image elements is "img", the selector for all the elements with the CSS class name 'myclass' is "*.myclass" and the selector for the elements with the id 'myid' is "*#myid". The elements mapping will be retrieved in the Result property after conversion. This property is set automatically after conversion and returns the mapping into the generated pdf document of the html elements specified by the CssSelectors. Helps defining a set of html elements that will not be displayed in the generated pdf document. This property is used to define an array containing the selectors of the html elements that will not be displayed in the final pdf document. For example, the selector for all the image elements is "img", the selector for all the elements with the CSS class name 'myclass' is "*.myclass" and the selector for the elements with the id 'myid' is "*#myid". Represents a html element that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The html can be specified by either an url or a html string. The base class for pdf elements that can be added to header and footer of a pdf document. Render this page element using the specified canvas. The canvas where the current pdf element is rendered. A canvas can be a pdf page or a template (like header, footer, etc). An optional parameter. The default virtual browser width in pixels Creates a html object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The html element is specified in this case by a html string. The html will be converted and rendered at the (0,0) location in the pdf header or footer. The width of the element in pdf is the available width in pdf page and the height is auto determined. The web page is rendered in an internal browser with the default width of 1024px and height auto determined. This can be changed using the and properties. The html string to be converted to pdf. This parameter allows the converter to resolve relative urls. Basically, baseUrl + relative image/css url = full absolute url. Creates a html object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The html element is specified in this case by an url. The html will be converted and rendered at the (0,0) location in the pdf header or footer. The width of the element in pdf is the available width in pdf page and the height is auto determined. The web page is rendered in an internal browser with the default width of 1024px and height auto determined. This can be changed using the and properties. The full url of the web page to be converted to pdf. The url can be also the full path of a html file from the local file system. Creates a html object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The html element is specified in this case by a html string. The html will be converted and rendered at the (x,y) location in the pdf header or footer. The width of the element in pdf is the available width in pdf page and the height is auto determined. The web page is rendered in an internal browser with the default width of 1024px and height auto determined. This can be changed using the and properties. The position in points on the X axis where the element will be rendered. The position in points on the Y axis where the element will be rendered. The html string to be converted to pdf. This parameter allows the converter to resolve relative urls. Basically, baseUrl + relative image/css url = full absolute url. Creates a html object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The html element is specified in this case by an url. The html will be converted and rendered at the (x,y) location in the pdf header or footer. The width of the element in pdf is the available width in pdf page and the height is auto determined. The web page is rendered in an internal browser with the default width of 1024px and height auto determined. This can be changed using the and properties. The position in points on the X axis where the element will be rendered. The position in points on the Y axis where the element will be rendered. The full url of the web page to be converted to pdf. The url can be also the full path of a html file from the local file system. Creates a html object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The html element is specified in this case by a html string. The html will be converted and rendered at the (x,y) location in the pdf header or footer. The width of the element in pdf is specified as parameter and the height is auto determined. The web page is rendered in an internal browser with the default width of 1024px and height auto determined. This can be changed using the and properties. The position in points on the X axis where the element will be rendered. The position in points on the Y axis where the element will be rendered. The destination width in points for the rendered content. The html string to be converted to pdf. This parameter allows the converter to resolve relative urls. Basically, baseUrl + relative image/css url = full absolute url. Creates a html object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The html element is specified in this case by an url. The html will be converted and rendered at the (x,y) location in the pdf header or footer. The width of the element in pdf is specified as parameter and the height is auto determined. The web page is rendered in an internal browser with the default width of 1024px and height auto determined. This can be changed using the and properties. The position in points on the X axis where the element will be rendered. The position in points on the Y axis where the element will be rendered. The destination width in points for the rendered content. The full url of the web page to be converted to pdf. The url can be also the full path of a html file from the local file system. Creates a html object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The html element is specified in this case by a html string. The html will be converted and rendered at the (x,y) location in the pdf header or footer. The width of the element in pdf is specified as parameter and the height is auto determined. The web page is rendered in an internal browser with the specified width and with height auto determined. This can be changed using the and properties. The position in points on the X axis where the element will be rendered. The position in points on the Y axis where the element will be rendered. The destination width in points for the rendered content. The html string to be converted to pdf. This parameter allows the converter to resolve relative urls. Basically, baseUrl + relative image/css url = full absolute url. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the web page in a browser window with the specified width. When this parameter is less than or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the web page width from the html body element width. Creates a html object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The html element is specified in this case by an url. The html will be converted and rendered at the (x,y) location in the pdf header or footer. The width of the element in pdf is specified as parameter and the height is auto determined. The web page is rendered in an internal browser with the specified width and with height auto determined. This can be changed using the and properties. The position in points on the X axis where the element will be rendered. The position in points on the Y axis where the element will be rendered. The destination width in points for the rendered content. The full url of the web page to be converted to pdf. The url can be also the full path of a html file from the local file system. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the web page in a browser window with the specified width. When this parameter is less than or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the web page width from the html body element width. Creates a html object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The html element is specified in this case by a html string. The html will be converted and rendered at the (x,y) location in the pdf header or footer. The width of the element in pdf is specified as parameter and the height is auto determined. The web page is rendered in an internal browser with the specified width and height. The position in points on the X axis where the element will be rendered. The position in points on the Y axis where the element will be rendered. The destination width in points for the rendered content. The html string to be converted to pdf. This parameter allows the converter to resolve relative urls. Basically, baseUrl + relative image/css url = full absolute url. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the web page in a browser window with the specified width. When this parameter is less than or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the web page width from the html body element width. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the web page in a browser window with the specified height. Creates a html object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The html element is specified in this case by a html string. The html will be converted and rendered at the (x,y) location in the pdf header or footer. The width and height of the element in pdf are also specified as parameters. The web page is rendered in an internal browser with the specified width and height. The position in points on the X axis where the element will be rendered. The position in points on the Y axis where the element will be rendered. The destination width in points for the rendered content. The destination height in points for the rendered content. The html string to be converted to pdf. This parameter allows the converter to resolve relative urls. Basically, baseUrl + relative image/css url = full absolute url. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the web page in a browser window with the specified width. When this parameter is less than or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the web page width from the html body element width. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the web page in a browser window with the specified height. Creates a html object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The html element is specified in this case by an url. The html will be converted and rendered at the (x,y) location in the pdf header or footer. The width of the element in pdf is specified as parameter and the height is auto determined. The web page is rendered in an internal browser with the specified width and height. The position in points on the X axis where the element will be rendered. The position in points on the Y axis where the element will be rendered. The destination width in points for the rendered content. The full url of the web page to be converted to pdf. The url can be also the full path of a html file from the local file system. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the web page in a browser window with the specified width. When this parameter is less than or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the web page width from the html body element width. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the web page in a browser window with the specified height. Creates a html object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The html element is specified in this case by an url. The html will be converted and rendered at the (x,y) location in the pdf header or footer. The width and height of the element in pdf are also specified as parameters. The web page is rendered in an internal browser with the specified width and height. The position in points on the X axis where the element will be rendered. The position in points on the Y axis where the element will be rendered. The destination width in points for the rendered content. The destination height in points for the rendered content. The full url of the web page to be converted to pdf. The url can be also the full path of a html file from the local file system. The virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the web page in a browser window with the specified width. When this parameter is less than or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the web page width from the html body element width. The virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the web page in a browser window with the specified height. Gets or sets the width of the converted web page as it would appear in the internal browser used to render the html. The web page width is specified in pixels and the default value is 1024px. The page width is only an indication of the minimum page width recommended for conversion. If the content does not fit this width, the converter will automatically resize the internal browser to fit the whole html content. To avoid this, the property needs to be set to true. When is true, the web page will be rendered with the specified and even though the content might be truncated. If is set to 0, the converter will automatically determine the page width, finding the width that will fit the html content. This property can also be set directly in the constructor of class. Gets or sets the height of the converted web page as it would appear in the internal browser used to render the html. The web page height is specified in pixels and the default value is 0px. This means that the converter will automatically calculate the page height. Generally this property does not need to be changed, but there are situations when the converter cannot calculate correctly the web page height (for example for web pages with frames) and in that case, needs to be set, otherwise no content might appear in the generated pdf. Note: If the is set, the content that exceeds this page height is truncated and will not appear in the generated pdf document. Only using the default 0 value will allow the whole page content to be rendered all the time in the generated pdf document. This property can also be set directly in the constructor of class. Controls whether the web page is rendered with a fixed size internal browser or the size automatically extends to make the whole content visible. The default value of this property is false. If the web page does not fit the dimensions specified by the and properties and is set to false, the converter will try to automatically calculate a larger width and height to be able to display the whole html content. If is set to true, this will indicate the converter not to calculate another width and height, but use width and height specified by and . These dimensions with be used even though the content will not fit the available space and it will be truncated. Note: If is set to true, a page height needs to be set using , because the default value (0) will make the converter fail (cannot render a web page with no height). Use this property to convert only a certain section of the page, specified by the html element ID. Use this property to specify how the conversion starts. By default this is set to and the conversion is started as soon as the page loads (and elapses). If set to , the conversion is started only by a javascript call to SelectPdf.startConversion() from within the web page. Use this property to specify some JavaScript code that will be injected into the page that is converted. The JavaScript code specified here will run before any other script on the page. This property instructs the converter whether to try to avoid cutting off the text lines between pdf pages or not. The default value is true and the converter tries to avoid text cutting between pdf pages. This property instructs the converter whether to try to avoid cutting off the images between pdf pages or not. The default value is false and the converter does not try to avoid images cutting between pdf pages. Specifies the horizontal auto fit mode. The converter considers both and when the html content is rendered in the pdf page or specified rectangle. If this property is set to , the html content is not resized horizontally in any way to fit the available space. If the content is larger, it will be cut and not all of it will be displayed in the generated pdf file. If this property is set to , the html content is resized only if the content width is larger than the destination space (pdf page or rectangle) width. In this case, the content is shrunk to fit the destination space width and the elements that it contains (texts, images) will appear smaller in the generated pdf document than in the original web page. If the original content width is smaller than the destination width, no adjustments will be done and the content will be rendered exactly as it is, even though some additional white space might appear to its right. If this property is set to , the html content is resized to fit the available width of the destination space. If the original content width is smaller than the destination width, the elements rendered (texts, images) will appear larger in the generated pdf document. If the original content width is larger than the destination width, the elements rendered (texts, images) will appear smaller in the generated pdf document. The default value of this property is . Specifies the vertical auto fit mode. The converter considers both and when the html content is rendered in the pdf page or specified rectangle. If this property is set to , the html content is not resized vertically in any way to fit the available space. If the content is larger, it will be cut and not all of it will be displayed in the generated pdf file. If this property is set to , the html content is resized only if the content height is larger than the destination space (pdf page or rectangle) height. In this case, the content is shrunk to fit the destination space height and the elements that it contains (texts, images) will appear smaller in the generated pdf document than in the original web page. If the original content height is smaller than the destination height, no adjustments will be done and the content will be rendered exactly as it is, even though some additional white space might appear at the bottom. If this property is set to , the converter will treat it like . The default value of this property is and for rendering, the converter will only take into consideration. Gets or sets a flag indicating if the web page background is rendered in pdf. The default value for this property is true and the page background is rendered into the generated pdf. Even though it might be white, it will still make invisible any pdf element that was rendered behind it. Setting this property to false can make visible the existing pdf elements behind this html element. Enable scripts when rendering the url or html string. The default value of this property is true and the converter will run any javascript available when the page loads. Note: If the javascript requires some time to load, property should be set to delay the conversion with the specified number of seconds and allow the javascript to run. A flag indicating if plugins (like Flash players) are enabled in the converter. The default value for this property is true. Indicates what css styles are used when the web page is rendered. The default value is and the page is rendered like in a regular web browser. If the page contains printer specific styles, the property should be set to to have the page rendered using those css styles. Instructs the converter to embed all the needed fonts into the pdf document or not. The default value for this property is false and the fonts are not automatically embedded. This property does not control the web fonts (fonts that are downloaded with the web page). The web fonts are always embedded because they are not installed on the machine. An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be loaded before the web page is rendered. A delay of this type could be necessary if javascripts are loaded when the page is rendered or if Flash movies are played. The web page navigation timeout in seconds. Default value is 60 seconds. This value should be increased if large web pages are loaded. Gets the collection of custom HTTP cookies used for the conversion. This property returns a reference to the collection of custom HTTP cookies to be sent by the converter to the web server when the web page is rendered. A cookie is defined by a name/value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. Get the collection of custom HTTP headers used for the conversion. This property returns a reference to the collection of custom HTTP headers to be sent by the converter to the web server when the web page is rendered. A custom HTTP header is defined by a name/value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. Gets the collection of custom HTTP POST parameters used for the conversion. This property returns a reference to the collection of custom HTTP POST parameters that will be sent by the converter to the web server when the web page is rendered. A POST parameter is defined by a name/value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. When this collection has at least one parameter, the rendered page is a accessed via POST method. Otherwise the method is GET. Gets a reference to an object containing the proxy settings used to access the web page that is being converted. Controls the rendering of external hyperlinks in pdf. The default value for this property is true and in this case all external hyperlinks from the web page will be rendered in the generated pdf document. When this property is set to false, external links are ignore and they do not appear in the generated pdf document. Controls the conversion of internal html links to internal pdf links. The default value for this property is true and in this case all internal hyperlinks from the web page (links that point within the web page) will be rendered in the generated pdf document as internal pdf links (clicking one of them will jump within the pdf document). Handles authentication options if the web page being converted requires authentication. A flag indicating if the page is rendered even if a navigation timeout occurs. The default value is False and a navigation timeout exception is raised. A flag indicating if the images from the page are scaled during the conversion process. The default value is False and images are not scaled. Gets or sets a flag indicating if the text that is out of the calculated rendering rectangle is displayed or not. The default value for this property is False. Represents an image that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. Creates an image object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The image object is created from the specified file that will be rendered at the position (x,y) in the pdf header or footer with the specified destination width and the height auto determined to keep the initial aspect ratio. The X position where this element will be rendered. The Y position where this element will be rendered. The destination rectangle width. The image file path. Creates an image object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The image object is created from the specified file that will be rendered at the position (x,y) in the pdf header or footer with the specified destination width and height size. The X position where this element will be rendered. The Y position where this element will be rendered. The destination rectangle width. The destination rectangle height. The image file path. Creates an image object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The image object is created from the specified object that will be rendered at the position (x,y) in the pdf header or footer with the specified destination width and the height auto determined to keep the aspect ratio. The X position where this element will be rendered. The Y position where this element will be rendered. The destination rectangle width. The system image object. Creates an image object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The image object is created from the specified object that will be rendered at the position (x,y) in the pdf header or footer with the specified destination width and height size. The X position where this element will be rendered. The Y position where this element will be rendered. The destination rectangle width. The destination rectangle height. The system image object. Gets or sets the image position on the X axis. Gets or sets the image position on the Y axis. Gets or sets the image width in the destination pdf page. Gets or sets the image height in the destination pdf page. Gets the underlying system image object. Gets or sets the pdf element transparency. The transparency is expressed as a value between 0 and 100. The value 0 means completely transparent and 100 means completely opaque. Helps defining a set of html elements that will be associated with bookmarks in the generated pdf document. Gets or sets the selectors of the html elements to be bookmarked. For example, the selector for all the H1 elements is "H1", the selector for all the elements with the CSS class name 'myclass' is "*.myclass" and the selector for the elements with the id 'myid' is "*#myid". The list of possible color spaces for the pdf document. RGB color space. CMYK color space. Gray scale color space. Represents a destination in a pdf document. The pdf destination is used by links, bookmarks or open actions to jump at a specified position in the pdf document. Constructs a pdf destination to the specified pdf page. The destination page. Constructs a pdf destination to the specified location in the specified page. The destination page. The location in the destination pdf page. Constructs a destination to the specified location in the specified page and with the specified fit mode in the destination page. The destination page. The location in the destination page. The destination fit mode. Gets or sets the location point in the destination page. Gets or sets the zoom factor of the destination page when viewed in a pdf viewer. This only works when is . This zoom factor is a percentage. A value of 100 will not zoom the page. Gets or sets the destination page. Gets or sets the auto-fit mode in the destination page. This class provides the possibility to control the pdf document properties. Using this class, the pdf document properties (author, title, keywords, etc) can be controlled. The class defines a reference to an object of this type. Gets or sets the name of the pdf document author. Gets or sets the date and time when the pdf document was created. Gets or sets the pdf document keywords. Gets the name of the application that generated the pdf document (Select.Pdf SDK). Gets or sets the subject of the pdf document. Gets or sets the pdf document title. Exception thrown by the html to pdf converter related objects. Initializes a object. The exception message. Initializes a object. The exception message. The inner exception that triggered this exception. Html to Image Converter. This class offers the API needed to create images in various formats from a specified web page or html string. Creates an html to image converter. Width and height of the web page are automatically detected. Creates an html to image converter. The width of the web page is specified. The height of the web page is automatically detected. The web page width. Creates an html to image converter for a web page with the specified width and height. The web page width. The web page height. Gets an object from the specified url. The Image object can be further manipulated to have the format changed, saved to disk, etc. The full url of the web page to be converted to image. The url can be also the full path of a html file from the local file system. The rendered Image object. Gets an object from the specified html string. The Image object can be further manipulated to have the format changed, saved to disk, etc. The html string to be converted to image. The rendered Image object. Gets an object from the specified html string. The baseUrl parameter allows the converter to determine the full absolute urls from relative urls for images and css files appearing in the html string. The Image object can be further manipulated to have the format changed, saved to disk, etc. The html string to be converted to image. This parameter allows the converter to resolve relative urls. Basically, baseUrl + relative image/css url = full absolute url. The rendered Image object. Use this property to convert only a certain section of the web page, specified by the html element ID. Use this property to specify how the conversion starts. By default this is set to and the conversion is started as soon as the page loads (and elapses). If set to , the conversion is started only by a javascript call to SelectPdf.startConversion() from within the web page. Use this property to specify some JavaScript code that will be injected into the page that is converted. The JavaScript code specified here will run before any other script on the page. Gets or sets the web page width. Gets or sets the web page height. If the width was not set, this property has no effect. Controls whether the web page is rendered with a fixed size internal browser or the size automatically extends to make the whole content visible. If the html content is not entirely visible in the web page viewer (browser) at the specified width, this property will control whether the html content is clipped or the web page browser width is automatically extended to make visible the whole html content. The html browser width is given by the property. The default value of this property is false. Enable scripts when rendering the url or html string. The default value of this property is true and the converter will run any javascript available when the page loads. Note: If the javascript requires some time to load, property should be set to delay the conversion with the specified number of seconds and allow the javascript to run. A flag indicating if plugins (like Flash players) are enabled in the converter. The default value for this property is true. Gets a reference to an object containing the proxy settings used to access the web page that is being converted. Specifies the username if the web page being converted requires authentication. Specifies the password if the web page being converted requires authentication. An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be loaded before the web page is rendered. A delay of this type could be necessary if javascripts are loaded when the page is rendered or if Flash movies are played. The web page navigation timeout in seconds. Default value is 60 seconds. This value should be increased if large web pages are loaded. Gets the collection of custom HTTP cookies used for the conversion. This property returns a reference to the collection of custom HTTP cookies to be sent by the converter to the web server when the web page is rendered. A cookie is defined by a name/value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. Get the collection of custom HTTP headers used for the conversion. This property returns a reference to the collection of custom HTTP headers to be sent by the converter to the web server when the web page is rendered. A custom HTTP header is defined by a name/value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. Gets the collection of custom HTTP POST parameters used for the conversion. This property returns a reference to the collection of custom HTTP POST parameters that will be sent by the converter to the web server when the web page is rendered. A POST parameter is defined by a name/value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. When this collection has at least one parameter, the rendered page is a accessed via POST method. Otherwise the method is GET. The pdf document compression level. No compression. Normal compression level. Best compression. Produces the smallest pdf document but it takes longer to compress it. Html To Pdf Converter. This class offers the API needed to convert any web page url or html string to pdf. The result of conversion is a object that can be further modified, saved to memory or into a file on the disk. The following sample code shows how an HtmlToPdf Converter can be instantiated and a basic conversion performed. using SelectPdf; HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf(); PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertUrl(url); doc.Save(file); doc.Close(); Imports SelectPdf Dim converter as HtmlToPdf = New HtmlToPdf() Dim doc as PdfDocument = converter.ConvertUrl(url) doc.Save(file) doc.Close() Initializes an instance of the HtmlToPdf Converter. The web page is rendered by an internal browser having the default width of 1024px. The height of the page is automatically calculated. The width and height can be set using and properties of property. Usually, the web page width and height do not need to be set and the converter automatically calculates them, but there are some situations (web pages with frames for example) when the converter cannot calculate the page size correctly. In this case, the web page width and height needs to be set, otherwise no content will appear in the generated pdf document. The following sample code shows how an HtmlToPdf Converter can be instantiated and a basic conversion performed. HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf(); PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertUrl(url); doc.Save(file); doc.Close(); Dim converter as HtmlToPdf = New HtmlToPdf() Dim doc as PdfDocument = converter.ConvertUrl(url) doc.Save(file) doc.Close() Initializes an instance of the HtmlToPdf Converter. The web page is rendered by an internal browser having the width specified by the webPageWidth parameter and the height automatically calculated. The width and height can be also set using and properties of property. Usually, the web page height does not need to be set and the converter automatically calculates it, but there are some situations (web pages with frames for example) when the converter cannot calculate the page height correctly. In this case, the web page needs to be set, otherwise no content will appear in the generated pdf document. Width in pixels of the internal browser that renders the web page. The following sample code shows how an HtmlToPdf Converter can be instantiated and a basic conversion performed. HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf(width); PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertUrl(url); doc.Save(file); doc.Close(); Dim converter as HtmlToPdf = New HtmlToPdf(width) Dim doc as PdfDocument = converter.ConvertUrl(url) doc.Save(file) doc.Close() Initializes an instance of the HtmlToPdf Converter. The web page is rendered by an internal browser having the width specified by the webPageWidth parameter and the height of the page specified by the webPageHeight parameter. The width and height can be also set using and properties of property. If webPageHeight is set, the web page will be truncated to the specified height. Usually, webPageHeight should be set to 0 to determine the converter to automatically calculate the page height, but there are some situations (web pages with frames for example) when the converter cannot calculate the page height correctly. In this case, webPageHeight needs to be set, otherwise no content will appear in the generated pdf document. Width in pixels of the internal browser that renders the web page. Height in pixels of the internal browser that renders the web page. The following sample code shows how an HtmlToPdf Converter can be instantiated and a basic conversion performed. HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf(width, height); PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertUrl(url); doc.Save(file); doc.Close(); Dim converter as HtmlToPdf = New HtmlToPdf(width, height) Dim doc as PdfDocument = converter.ConvertUrl(url) doc.Save(file) doc.Close() Gets a object representing the result of the conversion of the specified url to pdf. The resulted object can be modified and saved to a file, to a stream, to a memory buffer or to a HTTP response. The object must be closed after save to release the system resources used during conversion. The full url of the web page to be converted to pdf. The url can be also the full path of a html file from the local file system. The object that can be modified and saved to a file, to a stream, to a memory buffer or to a HTTP response. The following sample code shows how an HtmlToPdf Converter can be instantiated and a basic conversion performed. HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf(); PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertUrl(url); doc.Save(file); doc.Close(); Dim converter as HtmlToPdf = New HtmlToPdf() Dim doc as PdfDocument = converter.ConvertUrl(url) doc.Save(file) doc.Close() Gets a object representing the result of the conversion of the specified html string to pdf. The resulted object can be modified and saved to a file, to a stream, to a memory buffer or to a HTTP response. The object must be closed after save to release the system resources used during conversion. This method does not use any base url and therefore the images or css files referenced by relative urls in the html string cannot be resolved by the converter to an absolute url. If there are external resources referenced by relative urls, the method with the baseUrl additional parameter should be used. The html string to be converted to pdf. The object that can be modified and saved to a file, to a stream, to a memory buffer or to a HTTP response. The following sample code shows how an HtmlToPdf Converter can be instantiated and a basic conversion performed. HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf(); PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertHtmlString(html); doc.Save(file); doc.Close(); Dim converter as HtmlToPdf = New HtmlToPdf() Dim doc as PdfDocument = converter.ConvertString(html) doc.Save(file) doc.Close() Gets a object representing the result of the conversion of the specified html string to pdf. The resulted object can be modified and saved to a file, to a stream, to a memory buffer or to a HTTP response. The object must be closed after save to release the system resources used during conversion. The baseUrl parameter allows the converter to determine the full absolute urls from relative urls for images and css files appearing in the html string. The html string to be converted to pdf. This parameter allows the converter to resolve relative urls. Basically, baseUrl + relative image/css url = full absolute url. The object that can be modified and saved to a file, to a stream, to a memory buffer or to a HTTP response. The following sample code shows how an HtmlToPdf Converter can be instantiated and a basic conversion performed. HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf(); PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertHtmlString(html, baseUrl); doc.Save(file); doc.Close(); Dim converter as HtmlToPdf = New HtmlToPdf() Dim doc as PdfDocument = converter.ConvertString(html, baseUrl) doc.Save(file) doc.Close() Gets a reference to an object that controls the html to pdf conversion process and the generated pdf document properties. This property can be used to control the generated pdf header, footer, margins, page size and orientation, compression level, content resizing and many more. Check for complete details. Gets a reference to an object that controls the properties of the custom header of the generated pdf document. The header is displayed in the generated pdf document only if the property is set to true. Gets a reference to an object that controls the properties of the custom footer of the generated pdf document. The footer is displayed in the generated pdf document only if the property is set to true. Gets a reference to an object that offers information about the result of the html to pdf conversion process. After a successful conversion this property is initialized with an instance of the class. If the conversion failed this property returns a null value. This class contains various options used for the html to pdf conversion. The class defines a reference to an object of this type. The left margin of the pdf document. The margin is specified in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch. The right margin of the pdf document. The margin is specified in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch. The top margin of the pdf document. The margin is specified in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch. The bottom margin of the pdf document. The margin is specified in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch. This property controls the compression level of the generated pdf document. The default value is . Gets or sets a flag indicating if the JPEG compression is enabled or not for the images in the generated pdf document. By default the JPEG compression is enabled to reduce the size of the generated pdf document. When the JPEG compression is enabled the quality of the images in the generated pdf is lower than the quality of the original images from the web page, and this quality depends on the parameter. When the is increased, the quality of the images in pdf decreases. Gets or sets the compression level of images in the generated pdf document. This property can take values between 0 and 100. It has effect only when the is set to true. When the is 0, the compression rate is the lowest and the quality of the images is the best. When the is 100, the compression rate is the highest and quality of the images in PDF is the worst. The default JPEG compression level is 10, which should offer a good balance between the compression rate and the quality of the images in pdf. This property controls the size of the generated document pages. The default size of the pdf document pages is . When this property is set to , a custom size can be specified for the generated pdf document pages using the property. This property can be used to specify a custom pdf document page size. The property is taken into account only when property is set to . The custom width and height of the pdf page is specified in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch. Specifies the html content horizontal auto fit mode. The converter considers both and when the html content is rendered in the pdf page or specified rectangle. If this property is set to , the html content is not resized horizontally in any way to fit the available space. If the content is larger, it will be cut and not all of it will be displayed in the generated pdf file. If this property is set to , the html content is resized only if the content width is larger than the destination space (pdf page or rectangle) width. In this case, the content is shrunk to fit the destination space width and the elements that it contains (texts, images) will appear smaller in the generated pdf document than in the original web page. If the original content width is smaller than the destination width, no adjustments will be done and the content will be rendered exactly as it is, even though some additional white space might appear to its right. If this property is set to , the html content is resized to fit the available width of the destination space. If the original content width is smaller than the destination width, the elements rendered (texts, images) will appear larger in the generated pdf document. If the original content width is larger than the destination width, the elements rendered (texts, images) will appear smaller in the generated pdf document. The default value of this property is . Specifies the html content vertical auto fit mode. The converter considers both and when the html content is rendered in the pdf page or specified rectangle. If this property is set to , the html content is not resized vertically in any way to fit the available space. If the content is larger, it will be cut and not all of it will be displayed in the generated pdf file. If this property is set to , the html content is resized only if the content height is larger than the destination space (pdf page or rectangle) height. In this case, the content is shrunk to fit the destination space height and the elements that it contains (texts, images) will appear smaller in the generated pdf document than in the original web page. If the original content height is smaller than the destination height, no adjustments will be done and the content will be rendered exactly as it is, even though some additional white space might appear at the bottom. If this property is set to , the converter will treat it like . The default value of this property is and for rendering, the converter will only take into consideration. This property controls the page orientation of the generated pdf document pages. The default pdf page orientation is . Controls if a custom header is displayed in the generated pdf document. The header properties can be customized using the object exposed by property of the converter class. Note: The default value of this property is false and the generated pdf document will not have a custom header. Controls if a custom footer is displayed in the generated pdf document. The footer properties can be customized using the object exposed by property of the converter class. Note: The default value of this property is false and the generated pdf document will not have a custom footer. Instructs the converter to embed all the needed fonts into the pdf document or not. The default value for this property is false and the fonts are not automatically embedded. This property does not control the web fonts (fonts that are downloaded with the web page). The web fonts are always embedded because they are not installed on the machine. Controls the rendering of external hyperlinks in pdf. The default value for this property is true and in this case all external hyperlinks from the web page will be rendered in the generated pdf document. When this property is set to false, external links are ignore and they do not appear in the generated pdf document. Controls the conversion of internal html links to internal pdf links. The default value for this property is true and in this case all internal hyperlinks from the web page (links that point within the web page) will be rendered in the generated pdf document as internal pdf links (clicking one of them will jump within the pdf document). Gets or sets the width of the converted web page as it would appear in the internal browser used to render the html. The web page width is specified in pixels and the default value is 1024px. The page width is only an indication of the minimum page width recommended for conversion. If the content does not fit this width, the converter will automatically resize the internal browser to fit the whole html content. To avoid this, the property needs to be set to true. When is true, the web page will be rendered with the specified and even though the content might be truncated. If is set to 0, the converter will automatically determine the page width, finding the width that will fit the html content. This property can also be set directly in the constructor of class. Gets or sets the height of the converted web page as it would appear in the internal browser used to render the html. The web page height is specified in pixels and the default value is 0px. This means that the converter will automatically calculate the page height. Generally this property does not need to be changed, but there are situations when the converter cannot calculate correctly the web page height (for example for web pages with frames) and in that case, needs to be set, otherwise no content might appear in the generated pdf. Note: If the is set, the content that exceeds this page height is truncated and will not appear in the generated pdf document. Only using the default 0 value will allow the whole page content to be rendered all the time in the generated pdf document. This property can also be set directly in the constructor of class. Controls whether the web page is rendered with a fixed size internal browser or the size automatically extends to make the whole content visible. The default value of this property is false. If the web page does not fit the dimensions specified by the and properties and is set to false, the converter will try to automatically calculate a larger width and height to be able to display the whole html content. If is set to true, this will indicate the converter not to calculate another width and height, but use width and height specified by and . These dimensions with be used even though the content will not fit the available space and it will be truncated. Note: If is set to true, a page height needs to be set using , because the default value (0) will make the converter fail (cannot render a web page with no height). Use this property to convert only a certain section of the page, specified by the html element ID. Use this property to specify how the conversion starts. By default this is set to and the conversion is started as soon as the page loads (and elapses). If set to , the conversion is started only by a javascript call to SelectPdf.startConversion() from within the web page. Use this property to specify some JavaScript code that will be injected into the page that is converted. The JavaScript code specified here will run before any other script on the page. This property instructs the converter whether to try to avoid cutting off the text lines between pdf pages or not. The default value is true and the converter tries to avoid text cutting between pdf pages. This property instructs the converter whether to try to avoid cutting off the images between pdf pages or not. The default value is false and the converter does not try to avoid images cutting between pdf pages. Enable scripts when rendering the url or html string. The default value of this property is true and the converter will run any javascript available when the page loads. Note: If the javascript requires some time to load, property should be set to delay the conversion with the specified number of seconds and allow the javascript to run. A flag indicating if plugins (like Flash players) are enabled in the converter. The default value for this property is true. Indicates what css styles are used when the web page is rendered. The default value is and the page is rendered like in a regular web browser. If the page contains printer specific styles, the property should be set to to have the page rendered using those css styles. A flag indicating if the page is rendered even if a navigation timeout occurs. The default value is False and a navigation timeout exception is raised. A flag indicating if the images from the page are scaled during the conversion process. The default value is False and images are not scaled. Gets or sets a flag indicating if the web page background is rendered in pdf. The default value for this property is true and the page background is rendered into the generated pdf. Even though it might be white, it will still make invisible any pdf element that was rendered behind it. Setting this property to false can make visible the existing pdf elements behind this html element. Gets the collection of custom HTTP cookies used for the conversion. This property returns a reference to the collection of custom HTTP cookies to be sent by the converter to the web server when the web page is rendered. A cookie is defined by a name/value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. Get the collection of custom HTTP headers used for the conversion. This property returns a reference to the collection of custom HTTP headers to be sent by the converter to the web server when the web page is rendered. A custom HTTP header is defined by a name/value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. Gets the collection of custom HTTP POST parameters used for the conversion. This property returns a reference to the collection of custom HTTP POST parameters that will be sent by the converter to the web server when the web page is rendered. A POST parameter is defined by a name/value pair that can be added to the collection using the method of the property. When this collection has at least one parameter, the rendered page is a accessed via POST method. Otherwise the method is GET. An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be loaded before the web page is rendered. A delay of this type could be necessary if javascripts are loaded when the page is rendered or if Flash movies are played. The web page navigation timeout in seconds. Default value is 60 seconds. This value should be increased if large web pages are loaded. Handles authentication options if the web page being converted requires authentication. Gets a reference to the object that specifies the generated pdf document properties. Gets a reference to the object that specifies the generated pdf document security settings. This property returns a reference to a object that can be used to control the generated pdf document security settings (like password, printing or editing restrictions). Gets a reference to the object that controls the bookmarks creation for the generated pdf document. This property needs to be set to instruct the html to pdf converter to automatically generate some bookmarks in the pdf document. The converter will create bookmarks for the web elements specified by the of the property. Gets a reference to the object that controls the visibility of some web elements in the generated pdf document. This property needs to be set to instruct the html to pdf converter to hide some elements from the web page and not render them in the pdf document. The converter will not render the web elements specified by the of the property. Controls how the pdf document will appear in a pdf viewer (like Adobe Reader). Gets a reference to an object containing the proxy settings used to access the web page that is being converted. Defines the pdf standard used by the generated pdf document. The default value is and in this case the full set of pdf features can be used in the generated document. This property can be used to instruct the converter to generate PDF/A, PDF/X or PDF/SiqQ compliant documents. Gets or sets the color space of the generated pdf document. The possible values are , or . The default color space is . Maximum number of html to pdf conversions that can be performed simultaneously. This parameter must be set before the first conversion performed by the application. When this property is set with a negative value or zero, the concurrency level is maximum. The default value is 4. If the maximum number is reached and more conversion requests arrive, they will wait in a queue for an available spot. Generate a single page PDF. The converter will automatically resize the PDF page to fit all the content in a single page. The default value of this property is False. Gets a reference to the object controlling the retrieval of HTML elements position in the generated PDF. In order to retrieve the position in PDF for a list of HTML elements, the property of must be set with an array of strings containing the selectors of the HTML elements. The positions of the HTML elements in the generated PDF document will be returned in the object. Gets or sets a flag indicating if an enhanced custom page breaks algorithm is used. The enhanced algorithm is slower but it will prevent the appearance of hidden text in the PDF when custom page breaks are used. The default value for this property is False. Gets or sets a flag indicating if the text that is out of the calculated rendering rectangle is displayed or not. The default value for this property is False. Represents a bookmark in a pdf document. Gets or sets the bookmark text. Gets or sets the bookmark text color. Gets or sets the bookmark text style. Gets or sets the bookmark destination. Gets the parent of the current bookmark or null if the bookmark has no parent. Gets the child bookmark collection. Represents the collection of bookmarks in a pdf document. The parent PDF Document. Creates a collection of bookmarks for this document. The PDF document for which this collection is created. Gets the collection enumerator. The collection enumerator. Adds a new bookmark to the bookmarks collection. The bookmark text. The bookmark destination. The newly created pdf bookmark. Creates a new bookmark and inserts it at the specified zero based index in the bookmarks collection. The zero based index where to insert the bookmark. The bookmark text. The bookmark destination. The newly created pdf bookmark. Removes the specified pdf bookmark. The pdf bookmark to be removed. Removes the pdf bookmark at the specified index in the bookmarks collection. The zero based index of the pdf bookmark to be removed. The parent pdf document of the bookmarks collection. Gets or sets the bookmark at the specified zero based index in the bookmarks collection. The zero based bookmark index in the pdf bookmarks collection. The pdf bookmark at the specified index. The number of bookmarks in the pdf bookmarks collection. The pdf bookmark text style. Normal text style. The text is italic. The text is bold. Specifies the auto-fit mode for a object. Does not try to automatically fit the page. Displays the page specified, with the coordinates (left, top) positioned at the upper-left corner of the window and the contents of the page magnified by the factor zoom. A null value for any of the parameters left, top, or zoom specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. A zoom value of 0 has the same meaning as a null value. Automatically fits the entire page. Displays the page specified, with its contents magnified just enough to fit the entire page within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the page within the window in the other dimension. Automatically fits the entire width of the page. Displays the page specified, with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of the page within the window. Automatically fits the entire height of the page. Displays the page specified, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of the page within the window. Automatically fits the bounding box. Displays the page specified, with its contents magnified just enough to fit its bounding box entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the bounding box within the window in the other dimension. Automatically fits the entire bounding box width of the page. Displays the page specified, with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of its bounding box within the window. A null value for top specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. Automatically fits the entire bounding box height of the page. Displays the page specified, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of its bounding box within the window. A null value for left specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged. Represents a pdf document. This class provides the API to create, load, modify and save a pdf document. Creates an empty pdf document object. New pdf pages can be added to the document and new pdf elements can be added to these new document pages. Creates an empty pdf document object. Defines the pdf standard used by the generated pdf document. The default value is and in this case the full set of pdf features can be used in the generated document. This parameter can be used to generate PDF/A, PDF/X or PDF/SiqQ compliant documents. New pdf pages can be added to the document and new pdf elements can be added to these new document pages. Loads a pdf document from the specified stream. The pdf document stream. Loads a pdf document from an existing pdf file. The full path to the existing pdf document file. Loads a pdf document from a stream containing a password protected pdf document. The specified password can be a user or owner password. The stream containing the pdf document. The password to open the specified pdf document. Loads a pdf document from an existing password protected pdf file. The full path to the existing pdf file. The password to open the specified pdf document. Closes the current pdf document. Calling this method will release all the resources allocated by the pdf document. Always call this method after the document was saved. If the document was created from a stream, the stream will be closed if it was not explicitly detached by calling the before the document is closed. Detaches the stream that was used to load the pdf document, leaving it open in case the current pdf document is closed. Call this method to detach the stream from which the pdf document was created. When this method is called before calling , the method will not close the detached stream. Saves the pdf document to the specified file. The name of the file where to save the document. It can be a full path or a relative path. Saves the pdf document to the specified stream. The stream where to save the pdf document. Saves the pdf document as byte array. The byte array can be further saved to a file or sent over HTTP as a response to the browser. The byte array representation of the document. Saves the pdf document to a HTTP stream. The HTTP response object. If this is true, the pdf document will be automatically opened in browser, otherwise the user will be asked to save or open the downloaded pdf document. The name of the pdf document. This name is used by the browser when it opens the pdf document inline or the name suggested for saving the document when the document is sent as an attachment. Adds a new template with the specified width and height to the pdf document templates collection. The template location is top left corner of the pdf page. Use to specify another location for the template. The pdf template width. The pdf template height. The newly added pdf template. Adds a new template with the specified bounds to the pdf document templates collection. The template element bounds. The newly added pdf template. Creates a new pdf page and adds it to the pdf document pages collection. If there is a previous page in the pages collection, the orientation and size are inherited from that page, otherwise a first page with the default size and orientation is created. The page margins are inherited from the default pdf document margins specified in property. The newly created pdf page. Creates a new pdf page with the specified margins and adds it to the pdf document pages collection. If there is a previous page in the pages collection, the orientation and size are inherited from that page, otherwise a first page with the default size and orientation is created. The pdf page margins. The newly created pdf page. Creates a new pdf page with the specified size and margins and adds it to the pdf document pages collection. If there is a previous page in the pages collection, the orientation is inherited from that page, otherwise a first page with the default orientation is created. The pdf page size. The pdf page margins. The newly created pdf page. Creates a new pdf page with the specified size, margins and orientation and adds it to the pdf document pages collection. The pdf page size. The pdf page margins. The pdf page orientation. The newly created pdf page. Adds the specified page to the pdf document pages collection. The specified page can belong to another pdf document. The source pdf document must remain opened until the current document is saved. The page to be added to the collection. Creates a new pdf page with the specified size, margins and orientation and inserts it into the pdf document pages collection at the specified index. The index where the new pdf page will be inserted. The pdf page size. The pdf page margins. The pdf page orientation. The newly created pdf page. Inserts the specified page into the pdf document pages collection at the specified index. The specified page can belong to another pdf document. The source pdf document must remain opened until the current document is saved. The index where the pdf page will be inserted. The pdf page to be inserted into the collection. Appends all pages from another pdf document to the current pdf document. A custom range of pages from another document can be appended to the current document calling the method on the collection for each page to be appended. The appended document must remain opened until the current document is saved. The document to be appended. Removes the specified page from the pdf document pages collection. The pdf page to be removed. Removes the pdf page at the specified index in pdf document pages collection. The zero based index of the pdf page to be removed. Adds a system font to the pdf fonts collection. If the font was already added, the method returns the existing font. By default the font is embedded into the pdf document in order to support Unicode texts. The system font to be added to the fonts collection. The pdf font added to the fonts collection. Adds a system font to the pdf fonts collection. If the font was already added, the method returns the existing font. The embedFont parameter indicates if the added font will be embedded into the pdf document or not. Font for adding.The system font to be added to the fonts collection. Specifies if the font will be embedded into the pdf document or not. The pdf font added to the fonts collection. Adds a system font to the pdf fonts collection. The font is loaded from the specified file. If the font was already added, the method returns the existing pdf font. The file name of the font to be added. The pdf font added to the fonts collection. Adds a standard font to the pdf fonts collection. If the font was already added, the method returns the existing pdf font. The standard font family. The pdf font added to the fonts collection. Adds a standard CJK font to the pdf fonts collection. If the font was already added, the method returns the existing pdf font. The standard CJK font to add to the pdf document fonts collection. The pdf font added to the fonts collection. Returns the number of pages in a specified pdf document. The pdf file. The number of pages in the specified pdf document. Returns the number of pages in a specified pdf document. The stream containing the pdf document. The number of pages in the specified pdf document. Creates a root bookmark in the current pdf document. The bookmark text. The bookmark destination. The newly added bookmark. Creates a child bookmark in the current pdf document under the specified parent bookmark. The bookmark text. The bookmark destination. The parent bookmark. The newly added bookmark. Gets the pdf document pages collection. Gets the pdf document fonts collection. Gets the pdf document templates collection. Gets the bookmarks collection of the pdf document. The default pdf document margins. A new pages will use the default margins if no margins are specified when the page is added. Represents the default pdf document header template. The header space is automatically taken into account when calculating the available space for rendering in a pdf page. This template is automatically docked to the top of the pdf page. Represents the default pdf document footer template. The footer space is automatically taken into account when calculating the available space for rendering in a pdf page. This template is automatically docked to the bottom of the pdf page. Gets a reference to the object that specifies the pdf document properties. Gets a reference to the object that specifies the pdf document security settings. Controls how the pdf document will appear in a pdf viewer (like Adobe Reader). The action to be performed when the pdf document is opened. The pdf document can perform 2 types of actions when it is opened: - The pdf document opens at a specific . - The pdf document will run a specific javascript. Gets or sets the pdf document compression level. Gets or sets a flag indicating if the JPEG compression is enabled or not for the images in the generated pdf document. By default the JPEG compression is enabled to reduce the size of the generated pdf document. When the JPEG compression is enabled the quality of the images in the generated pdf is lower than the quality of the original images from the web page, and this quality depends on the parameter. When the is increased, the quality of the images in pdf decreases. Gets or sets the compression level of images in the generated pdf document. This property can take values between 0 and 100. It has effect only when the is set to true. When the is 0, the compression rate is the lowest and the quality of the images is the best. When the is 100, the compression rate is the highest and quality of the images in PDF is the worst. The default JPEG compression level is 10, which should offer a good balance between the compression rate and the quality of the images in pdf. This class provides the possibility to control the pdf document properties. Using this class, the pdf document properties (author, title, keywords, etc) can be controlled. Gets or sets the pdf document title. Gets or sets the name of the pdf document author. Gets or sets the subject of the pdf document. Gets or sets the pdf document keywords. Gets or sets the name of the application that generated the pdf document (Select.Pdf SDK). Gets or sets the date and time when the pdf document was created. Encapsulates an action to be performed when the pdf document is opened. The pdf document can perform 2 types of actions when it is opened: - The pdf document opens at a specific . - The pdf document will run a specific javascript. The pdf document open action as an instance of the or classes. Represents a collection of fonts in a pdf document. The parent PDF Document Creates a font collection for the specified PDF document Gets the collection enumerator. The collection enumerator. Adds a system font to the pdf fonts collection. If the font was already added, the method returns the existing font. By default the font is embedded into the pdf document in order to support Unicode texts. The system font to be added to the fonts collection. The pdf font added to the fonts collection. Adds a system font to the pdf fonts collection. If the font was already added, the method returns the existing font. The embedFont parameter indicates if the added font will be embedded into the pdf document or not. Font for adding.The system font to be added to the fonts collection. Specifies if the font will be embedded into the pdf document or not. The pdf font added to the fonts collection. Adds a system font to the pdf fonts collection. The font is loaded from the specified file. If the font was already added, the method returns the existing pdf font. The file name of the font to be added. The pdf font added to the fonts collection. Adds a standard font to the pdf fonts collection. If the font was already added, the method returns the existing pdf font. The standard font family. The pdf font added to the fonts collection. Adds a standard CJK font to the pdf fonts collection. If the font was already added, the method returns the existing pdf font. The standard CJK font to add to the pdf document fonts collection. The pdf font added to the fonts collection. Adds a pdf font to the pdf fonts collection. If the font was already added, the method returns the existing pdf font. The pdf font object to be add to the collection. The pdf font added to the fonts collection. Adds the specified array of pdf fonts to the pdf document fonts collection. The pdf fonts to be added to the collection. Checks if the specified font belongs to the fonts collection. The specified pdf font. True if the font is found in the collection, otherwise returns false. Returns the index of the specified font in the fonts collection. The font to search in collection. The index of font or -1 if the font does not exist. Removes the specified pdf font from the fonts collection. The font to be removed from the pdf fonts collection. Inserts a font to the specified index in the pdf fonts collection. The font to be inserted in the collection. Index in collection where to insert the font. Gets or sets the font at the specified zero based index in the fonts collection. The zero based font index in the fonts pages collection. The pdf font at the specified index. Represents the settings for a pdf page margins. Initializes all margins with 0 Initializes all margins with the same value The value for all document margins. Default constructor initializes with 0 all the margins The left margin The right margin The top margin The bottom margin Empty margins object The base class for all graphic elements from a pdf document. Renders the current pdf element on the specified canvas. The canvas can be a or a . The canvas where the current pdf element will be rendered. Can be a pdf page or template. The result of adding the current pdf element to the specified canvas. Base class for the pdf actions. The pdf document can perform 2 types of actions when it is opened: - The pdf document opens at a specific . - The pdf document will run a specific javascript. Represents a Go To action in a pdf document. Creates a Go To action based on the specified pdf destination. The destination of the Go To action. Gets or sets the pdf destination of the Go To action. Represents a JavaScript action in a pdf document. Creates a JavaScript action based on a JavaScript code. The JavaScript code. Gets or sets the JavaScript code executed by this action. Represents a pdf color. Creates a pdf color based on a .NET system color. The .NET system color. Creates a Gray-scale color based on a gray level. A value between 0 and 1 to specify the gray level. Creates a pdf color based on RGB values. Red value. Green value. Blue value. Creates a pdf color based on GMYK values. Cyan value. Magenta value. Yellow value. Key value. Implicit operator to convert a .NET system color to a pdf color. The .NET system color. The pdf color. Implicit operator to convert a pdf color to a .NET system color. The pdf color. The .NET system color. An empty color. Gets or sets the Red value of this pdf color. Gets or sets the Blue value of this pdf color. Gets or sets the Green value of this pdf color. Gets or sets the Gray level of this pdf color. Gets or sets the Cyan value of this pdf color. Gets or sets the Magenta value of this pdf color. Gets or sets the Yellow value of this pdf color. Gets or sets the Key value of this pdf color. Exception thrown by the pdf document related objects. Constructor. The exception message. Constructor. The exception message. The inner exception that triggered this exception. Represents a font in a pdf document. Gets the width of the specified character in points. The character to be measured. The character width in points. Get the width in points of the specified string. The string to be measured. The width of the string in points. Gets the size of the specified string in points. The string to be measured. The size of the string in points. Converts the current pdf font to a corresponding system font. A system font corresponding to the current pdf font object. Creates a clone of this font in the specified pdf document. The pdf document where the font is cloned. The font object clone. Gets the name of the font family. Gets the font height. Gets or sets the font size in points. Gets the predefined family name. A flag to indicate if the font is underline. A flag to indicate if the font is strikeout. Represents a page in a pdf document. Adds the specified pdf element to the current page. The element to be added to the current pdf page. The result of adding the element to the page. Pdf page orientation. The default page orientation is . Pdf page rotation. The pdf page can be rotated with 90, 180 or 270 degrees from the original position. Represents the custom header template for the pdf page. It will replace the default pdf document header template specified by . Represents the custom footer template for the pdf page. It will replace the default pdf document footer template specified by . Controls if a custom header is displayed in the current pdf page. Controls if a custom footer is displayed in the current pdf page. Gets the pdf page margins. Gets the pdf page size in points. The parent pdf document of the current page. The index of the current page in the pdf pages collection. The result of adding a pdf element to a pdf page or template. The end page index The bounds inside the end page Construct a PdfRenderingResult object with no page information Constructs PdfRenderingResult object based on the page index and the bounds inside the page where the element rendering ended. The index of the pdf page where the rendering of the page element ended. This information is useful when other pdf elements are added to the object. The bounds inside the pdf page where the rendering of the page element ended. This information is useful when other pdf elements are added to the object. Note: The last page is specified by the property. The anchoring position of a pdf template. The template is not anchored. The template will be anchored in the center of the pdf page. The center of the template rectangle will be same with the center of the page. The template will be anchored in the top left corner of the pdf page. The template location will be the top left corner of the page. The template will be anchored in the top right corner of the pdf page. The right side of the template will be aligned with the right side of the page, and the top side of the template will be aligned with the top side of the page The template will be anchored in the bottom left corner of the pdf page. The left side of the template will be aligned with the left side of the page and the bottom side of the document will be aligned with the bottom side of the page. The template will be anchored in the bottom left corner of the pdf page. The right side of the document will be aligned with the right side of the pdf page and the bottom side of the document will be aligned with the bottom side of the PDF page Represents the collection of pages in a pdf document. A pdf template is repeated on each page of the pdf document. Gets the collection enumerator. The collection enumerator. Adds a new template with the specified width and height to the pdf document templates collection. The template location is top left corner of the pdf page. Use to specify another location for the template. The pdf template width. The pdf template height. The newly added pdf template. Adds a new template with the specified bounds to the pdf document templates collection. The template element bounds. The newly added pdf template. Gets or sets the template at the specified zero based index in the templates collection. The zero based template index in the pdf templates collection. The pdf template at the specified index. The number of templates in pdf templates collection. Represents the default pdf document header template. The header space is automatically taken into account when calculating the available space for rendering in a pdf page. This template is automatically docked to the top of the pdf page. Represents the default pdf document footer template. The footer space is automatically taken into account when calculating the available space for rendering in a pdf page. This template is automatically docked to the bottom of the pdf page. The docking style of a pdf template. The template is not docked in the pdf page. The template is docked to the top of the pdf page. The template width and location will be adjusted for docking. The template is docked to the bottom of the pdf page. The template width and location will be adjusted for docking. The template is docked to the left of the pdf page. The template location and height will be adjusted for docking. The template is docked to the right of the pdf page. The template location and height will be adjusted for docking. The template fills the pdf page. The template location will be the top left corner and the size will be the size of the pdf page. The docking will take into account the existing document docked templates (like header, footer). Represents a text that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The string to be written The start x position The start y position The width of destination rectangle The height of the destination rectangle Is optional The text font When true a paginable text is rendered When true the text can be paginated Horizontal text alignment. Vertical text alignment. Indicates whether RTL should be checked. Character spacing value. Word spacing value. Text leading. Creates a text object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position in the pdf header or footer using the specified font. The height of the rendered text will be auto-determined. The width is the available width in page. The start X coordinate where the text will be rendered. The start Y coordinate where the text will be rendered. The text to be rendered. The text font. Creates a text object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position in the pdf header or footer using the specified font. The width of the text is specified as parameter. The height of the rendered text will be auto-determined. The start X coordinate where the text will be rendered. The start Y coordinate where the text will be rendered. The width of the destination rectangle. The text to be rendered. The text font. Creates a text object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position in the pdf header or footer using the specified font. The width and height of the text on the destination page are also specified. The start X coordinate where the text will be rendered. The start Y coordinate where the text will be rendered. The width of the destination rectangle. The height of the destination rectangle. The text to be rendered. The text font. Creates a text object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position in the pdf header or footer using the specified font and color. The width of the text is specified as parameter. The height of the rendered text will be auto-determined. The start X coordinate where the text will be rendered. The start Y coordinate where the text will be rendered. The width of the destination rectangle. The text to be rendered. The text font. The text color. Creates a text object that can be added to the header or footer templates of a pdf document. The text element that will be rendered at the specified (x,y) position in the pdf header or footer using the specified font and color. The width and height of the text on the destination page are also specified. The start X coordinate where the text will be rendered. The start Y coordinate where the text will be rendered. The width of the destination rectangle. The height of the destination rectangle. The text to be rendered. The text font. The text color. Gets or sets the horizontal text alignment. Gets or sets the vertical text alignment. Indicates if the text is in a right-to-left language. Gets or sets an additional spacing between characters. Gets or sets an additional space between words. The words separator is consider the space character with code 32. Gets or sets a value that indicates the vertical distance between the baselines of adjacent lines of text. Gets or sets an angle to control the text direction. The default value is 0. Adding a value in degrees will rotate the text counter-clockwise. Gets or sets the distance to move the text baseline up or down from its default location. Adjustments to the baseline are useful for drawing superscripts or subscripts. Positive values of text rise move the baseline up and creates a superscript text. Negative values of text rise move the baseline down and creates a subscript text. Gets or sets the element background color. Gets or sets the element foreground color. The text string that will be added to the pdf document header or footer. If {page_number} placeholder appears in this property, it will be replaced with the current pdf page number. By default the page numbering starts with 1. This can be changed using the property. If {total_pages} placeholder appears in this property, it will be replaced with the total number of pages in the generated pdf document. The total number of pages can be incremented with a value specified by the property. This could be useful when the generated pdf will be merged with other documents. Gets or sets the text start position on the X axis. Gets or sets the text start position on the Y axis. The width of destination rectangle where the text will be rendered. The height of the destination rectangle where the text will be rendered. The text font. A flag indicating if the text font will be embedded in the pdf document. Gets or sets the pdf element transparency. The transparency is expressed as a value between 0 and 100. The value 0 means completely transparent and 100 means completely opaque. The pdf viewer preferences. Controls how the pdf document appears in a pdf viewer (like Adobe Reader). Gets or sets a flag specifying whether to hide the pdf viewer application's tool bars when the document is active. The default value for this property is false. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether to hide the pdf viewer application's menu bar when the document is active. The default value for this property is false. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether to hide user interface elements in the document's window (such as scroll bars and navigation controls), leaving only the document's contents displayed. The default value for this property is false. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether to resize the document's window to fit the size of the first displayed page. The default value for this property is false. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether to position the document's window in the center of the screen. The default value for this property is false. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether the window's title bar should display the document title. The default value for this property is false. Gets or sets the document page mode when the pdf viewer application exits the full screen mode. This property is taken into account only if is set to . Otherwise it is ignored. The default value for this property is . Gets or sets the document page mode when the pdf document is opened in a pdf viewer. The default value for this property is . Gets or sets the page layout to be used when the document is opened. The default value for this property is . The list of supported fonts for the header and footer None Helvetica HelveticaBold HelveticaOblique HelvetivaBoldOblique Courier CourierBold CourierOblique CourierBoldOblique TimesRoman TimesBold TimesBoldItalic TimesItalic Symbol ZapfDingbats Handles the properties of the footer of the generated pdf document. This class encapsulates the options to control the footer in the rendered pdf document. The class contains a reference to an object of this type. The footer is displayed only if property of the object is true. If the property of the object is false, the footer will not be displayed and all the options set here will have no effect. Adds an additional element to the footer of the pdf document. There are 3 section elements that can be added to the footer of the pdf document: , and . The element that will be rendered in the pdf footer. Adds a TextArea element to the additional elements list rendered after the predefined footer elements. The additional elements are rendered in the order they are added to the list. The TextArea object to be rendered. Adds an ImageArea element to the additional elements list rendered after the predefined footer elements. The additional elements are rendered in the order they are added to the list. The ImageArea object to be rendered. Adds a PdfHtmlSection element to the additional elements list rendered after the predefined footer elements. The additional elements are rendered in the order they are added to the list. The PdfHtmlSection object to be rendered. The height of the pdf document footer. This height is specified in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch. The default value is 35pt. Controls the page number for the first page being rendered. The page number is displayed setting a {page_number} placeholder in the property. By default the page numbers start with 1. This can be changed using the property. Controls the total number of pages offset in the generated pdf document. The total number of pages is displayed setting a {total_pages} placeholder in the property. The total number of pages can be incremented with a value specified by the property. This could be useful when the generated pdf will be merged with other documents. Controls the visibility of the footer on the first page of the generated pdf document. When this property is true the footer will be displayed on the first page of the pdf document, otherwise it will not be visible. This property has priority over . The default value is true. Controls the visibility of the footer on the odd numbered pages of the generated pdf document. By default the footer is displayed on both odd and even numbered pages. The property has priority over . Controls the visibility of the footer on the even numbered pages of the generated pdf document. By default the footer is displayed on both odd and even numbered pages. Handles the properties of the header of the generated pdf document. This class encapsulates the options to control the header in the rendered pdf document. The class contains a reference to an object of this type. The header is displayed only if property of the object is true. If the property of the object is false, the header will not be displayed and all the options set here will have no effect. Adds an additional element to the header of the pdf document. There are 3 section elements that can be added to the header of the pdf document: , and . The element that will be rendered in the pdf header. Adds a TextArea element to the additional elements list rendered after the predefined header elements. The additional elements are rendered in the order they are added to the list. The TextArea object to be rendered. Adds an ImageArea element to the additional elements list rendered after the predefined header elements. The additional elements are rendered in the order they are added to the list. The ImageArea object to be rendered. Adds a PdfHtmlSection element to the additional elements list rendered after the predefined header elements. The additional elements are rendered in the order they are added to the list. The PdfHtmlSection object to be rendered. The height of the pdf document header. This height is specified in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch. The default value is 45pt. Controls the page number for the first page being rendered. The page number is displayed setting a {page_number} placeholder in the property. By default the page numbers start with 1. This can be changed using the property. Controls the total number of pages offset in the generated pdf document. The total number of pages is displayed setting a {total_pages} placeholder in the property. The total number of pages can be incremented with a value specified by the property. This could be useful when the generated pdf will be merged with other documents. Controls the visibility of the header on the first page of the generated pdf document. When this property is true the header will be displayed on the first page of the pdf document, otherwise it will not be visible. This property has priority over . The default value is true. Controls the visibility of the header on the odd numbered pages of the generated pdf document. By default the header is displayed on both odd and even numbered pages. The property has priority over . Controls the visibility of the header on the even numbered pages of the generated pdf document. By default the header is displayed on both odd and even numbered pages. The list of pdf pages available orientations. Portrait Landscape The list of pdf standard page sizes. Use specified page size Letter format Note format Legal format A0 format A1 format A2 format A3 format A4 format A5 format A6 format A7 format A8 format A9 format A0 format B0 format B1 format B2 format B3 format B4 format B5 format ArchE format ArchD format ArchC format ArchB format ArchA format Flsa format HalfLetter format 11x17 format Ledger format This class provides the options to control the pdf document security. The class defines a reference to an object of this type. Allows inserting, rotating or deleting pages or bookmarks. Allows copying page contents such as text and images. Allows document annotations editing. Allows modifying document content. Allows filling in form fields. Allows printing. Sets or gets the owner password. This password is required to change permissions of the pdf document (like printing or editing). Gets or sets the user password. This password is required to open the pdf document. The list of pdf standards available. The full pdf features can be used in the generated pdf document. The generated pdf is in conformance with PDF/A standard which makes the document suitable for long term archiving. All the true type fonts are embedded in the pdf document, external HTTP links are disabled, transparencies are disabled, and some special metadata to identify the document as PDF/A compliant is inserted in the generated pdf document. The generated PDF is in conformance with PDF/X standard which makes the document suitable for graphics exchange. In PDF/X all the true type fonts are embedded in the generated pdf document. The generated PDF is in conformance with PDF/SiqQ Level A standard which makes the document suitable for being digitally signed. In PDF/SiqQ Level A all the true type fonts are embedded in the pdf document and the external HTTP links are disabled. The generated PDF is in conformance with PDF/SiqQ Level B standard which makes the document suitable for being digitally signed. In PDF/SiqQ Level A all the true type fonts are embedded in the generated pdf document. The delegate type for handling the PostConvertAction event of PdfConverter class. The argument for the PostConvertAction event handler. This class encapsulates the arguments for the PostConvertAction event handler. Constructs the argument for the PostConvertAction event handler. The PdfConverter object that triggered the PostConvertActionEven. The PDF document created by the converter. The conversion summary offering information like the number of pages converted or the last drawn region to inform from where to continue drawing. The PDF document created by converter. The PdfConverter object that triggered the PostConvertActionEvent. The conversion summary including the rectangle rendered on the last page and the last page index. This information is useful when new elements are added after conversion in PostConvertActionEvent handler. Converts between various graphic units (pixels, points, etc). Converts from points to pixels. The result of this method takes into account the current screen resolution. The value in points to convert. The value in pixels. Converts from pixels to points. The result of this method takes into account the current screen resolution. The value in pixels to convert. The value in points. Specifies vertical alignment of text. Align top. Align center. Align bottom. Specifies how to display the pdf document on exiting full-screen mode. Neither document outline (bookmarks) nor thumbnail images are visible. Document outline (bookmarks) are visible. Thumbnail images are visible. Optional content group panel is visible. Specifies the page layout to be used when the pdf document is opened in a viewer. Displays one page at a time. Displays the pages in one column. Displays the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the left. Displays the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the right. Specifies the pdf document's page mode. Neither document outline (bookmarks) nor thumbnail images are visible. Document outline (bookmarks) are visible. Thumbnail images are visible. Full-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls or any other window visible. Optional content group panel is visible. Document attachments are visible. The pdf viewer preferences. Controls how the pdf document appears in a pdf viewer (like Adobe Reader). Gets or sets a flag specifying whether to hide the pdf viewer application's tool bars when the document is active. The default value for this property is false. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether to hide the pdf viewer application's menu bar when the document is active. The default value for this property is false. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether to hide user interface elements in the document's window (such as scroll bars and navigation controls), leaving only the document's contents displayed. The default value for this property is false. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether to resize the document's window to fit the size of the first displayed page. The default value for this property is false. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether to position the document's window in the center of the screen. The default value for this property is false. Gets or sets a flag specifying whether the window's title bar should display the document title taken from property. The default value for this property is false. Gets or sets the document page mode when the pdf viewer application exits the full screen mode. This property is taken into account only if is set to . Otherwise it is ignored. The default value for this property is . Gets or sets the document page mode when the pdf document is opened in a pdf viewer. The default value for this property is . Gets or sets the page layout to be used when the document is opened. The default value for this property is . Used in pdf document viewer preferences to specify the reading order for texts. Left to right. Right to left.