Provides a license by a license file path, which will be used for loading license.
License file full path.
Sets the license file name, which will be used for loading license.
License file name.
Provides a license by a license file object, which will be used for loading license.
License file object.
Provides a license by a license stream, which will be used for loading license.
License data stream.
Provides a license by a license key, which will be used for loading license.
The value of the Key attribute of the element License of you license xml file.
Clear all cached license.
Load the license provided by current setting to the license cache.
Load the license provided by current setting to the license cache.
Runtime product type
Indicates whether the lincese puchase date is during one year.
If current license object is converted from a previouse version license object,
this field will be set to the version of the original license object.
Otherwise it's null.
Indicates whether the lincese puchase date is during one year.
Indicates whether the lincese puchase date is during one year.
Indicates whether the lincese puchase date is during one year.