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- /**
- * jQuery EasyUI 1.4.4
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2015 www.jeasyui.com. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Licensed under the freeware license: http://www.jeasyui.com/license_freeware.php
- * To use it on other terms please contact us: info@jeasyui.com
- *
- */
- (function($){
- function _1(_2,_3){
- var _4=$.data(_2,"form").options;
- $.extend(_4,_3||{});
- var _5=$.extend({},_4.queryParams);
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- try{
- for(var n in _9){
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- _d();
- _a[0].submit();
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- finally{
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- t?_a.attr("target",t):_a.removeAttr("target");
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- };
- function _d(){
- var f=$("#"+_6);
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- return;
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- }
- catch(e){
- cb();
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- function cb(){
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- if(pre.length){
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- }
- }
- catch(e){
- }
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- setTimeout(function(){
- f.unbind();
- f.remove();
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- function _11(_12,_13){
- var _14=$.data(_12,"form").options;
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- var _15={};
- if(_14.onBeforeLoad.call(_12,_15)==false){
- return;
- }
- $.ajax({url:_13,data:_15,dataType:"json",success:function(_16){
- _17(_16);
- },error:function(){
- _14.onLoadError.apply(_12,arguments);
- }});
- }else{
- _17(_13);
- }
- function _17(_18){
- var _19=$(_12);
- for(var _1a in _18){
- var val=_18[_1a];
- if(!_1b(_1a,val)){
- if(!_1c(_1a,val)){
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- _19.find("select[name=\""+_1a+"\"]").val(val);
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- cc.switchbutton("uncheck");
- cc.each(function(){
- if(_1e($(this).switchbutton("options").value,val)){
- $(this).switchbutton("check");
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- return true;
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- cc._propAttr("checked",false);
- cc.each(function(){
- if(_1e($(this).val(),val)){
- $(this)._propAttr("checked",true);
- }
- });
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
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- return true;
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- return false;
- }
- };
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- _20[_21]("setValues",val);
- }else{
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- return true;
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- }
- }
- return false;
- };
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- var _26=_25.clone().val("");
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- if(_25.data("validatebox")){
- _25.validatebox("destroy");
- _26.validatebox();
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- _25.remove();
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- this.checked=false;
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- if(tag=="select"){
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- var _2a=_27.find("."+_29+"-f");
- if(_2a.length&&_2a[_29]){
- _2a[_29]("clear");
- }
- }
- _27.form("validate");
- };
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- if(_30.length&&_30[_2f]){
- _30[_2f]("reset");
- }
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- };
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- $(_32).unbind(".form");
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- $(_32).bind("submit.form",function(){
- setTimeout(function(){
- _1(_32,_33);
- },0);
- return false;
- });
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- $(_32).bind("_change.form",function(e,t){
- _33.onChange.call(this,t);
- }).bind("change.form",function(e){
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- if(!$(t).hasClass("textbox-text")){
- _33.onChange.call(this,t);
- }
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- }else{
- $.data(_36,"form",{options:$.extend({},$.fn.form.defaults,$.fn.form.parseOptions(_36),_37)});
- }
- };
- function _39(_3a){
- if($.fn.validatebox){
- var t=$(_3a);
- t.find(".validatebox-text:not(:disabled)").validatebox("validate");
- var _3b=t.find(".validatebox-invalid");
- _3b.filter(":not(:disabled):first").focus();
- return _3b.length==0;
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- if(typeof _3f=="string"){
- this.each(function(){
- _35(this);
- });
- return $.fn.form.methods[_3f](this,_40);
- }
- return this.each(function(){
- _35(this,_3f);
- _31(this);
- });
- };
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- return $.data(jq[0],"form").options;
- },submit:function(jq,_41){
- return jq.each(function(){
- _1(this,_41);
- });
- },load:function(jq,_42){
- return jq.each(function(){
- _11(this,_42);
- });
- },clear:function(jq){
- return jq.each(function(){
- _23(this);
- });
- },reset:function(jq){
- return jq.each(function(){
- _2b(this);
- });
- },validate:function(jq){
- return _39(jq[0]);
- },disableValidation:function(jq){
- return jq.each(function(){
- _34(this,true);
- });
- },enableValidation:function(jq){
- return jq.each(function(){
- _34(this,false);
- });
- }};
- $.fn.form.parseOptions=function(_43){
- var t=$(_43);
- return $.extend({},$.parser.parseOptions(_43,[{ajax:"boolean"}]),{url:(t.attr("action")?t.attr("action"):undefined)});
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- return $(this).form("validate");
- },success:function(_45){
- },onBeforeLoad:function(_46){
- },onLoadSuccess:function(_47){
- },onLoadError:function(){
- },onChange:function(_48){
- }};
- })(jQuery);