123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 |
- <ApplicationInsights xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ApplicationInsights/2013/Settings" xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform">
- <TelemetryModules xdt:Transform="InsertIfMissing">
- <Add xdt:Transform="InsertIfMissing" xdt:Locator="Match(Type)" Type="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.PerfCounterCollector.PerformanceCollectorModule, Microsoft.AI.PerfCounterCollector">
- <!--
- Use the following syntax here to collect additional performance counters:
- <Counters>
- <Add PerformanceCounter="\Process(??APP_WIN32_PROC??)\Handle Count" ReportAs="Process handle count" />
- ...
- </Counters>
- PerformanceCounter must be either \CategoryName(InstanceName)\CounterName or \CategoryName\CounterName
- Counter names may only contain letters, round brackets, forward slashes, hyphens, underscores, spaces and dots.
- You may provide an optional ReportAs attribute which will be used as the metric name when reporting counter data.
- For the purposes of reporting, metric names will be sanitized by removing all invalid characters from the resulting metric name.
- NOTE: performance counters configuration will be lost upon NuGet upgrade.
- The following placeholders are supported as InstanceName:
- ??APP_WIN32_PROC?? - instance name of the application process for Win32 counters.
- ??APP_W3SVC_PROC?? - instance name of the application IIS worker process for IIS/ASP.NET counters.
- ??APP_CLR_PROC?? - instance name of the application CLR process for .NET counters.
- -->
- </Add>
- </TelemetryModules>
- </ApplicationInsights>